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It's been two days since we've arrived at the camp. I was told to take it easy so my recovery would go by quicker but I mustn't forget why I'm here in the first place.

"Hey, General Gorou?" I called him once I found him wandering the camp on supervising duty. "L/n. Please, just Gorou is fine!" He said with a closed-eyed smile. "Sure. Gorou. I wanted to ask a few questions for the investigation, if you're not busy."
"By all means, go ahead." He folded his arms and gestured for me to begin.

"Thank you. First things first, did you notice anything strange about my uncle before he died?"
"Well... He was ill, and would cough a lot. I'm sure you've noticed? But before that... He was quite upset when his Vision was taken from him."
"Right, I remember how quiet he suddenly got afterwards... Could you tell me what exactly happened that day, if you know?"
"I was there, actually. We were up in Nazuchi Beach when it happened. We were surrounded by Tenryou soldiers and Kujou Sara was there."

My hand instinctively went to rest on my thigh, the same leg where the injury was.
"Then what happened?"
"She said that she would let us go if she brought in Kaito. Kaito managed to trick her and we all got away but at the price of his Vision."
"Then he got sick?"
"It would appear so. I've heard stories of people who have their Visions taken from them that suffer from psychologic repercussions. It would seem your uncle's case was more physical than psychological."

I already knew about this. How people are affected by the Vision Hunt Decree. They'd lose their mind or forget who they are in worse cases. I've met a few victims before.

But Uncle Kai... Why didn't he tell me how bad it was? There are so many people who cared about him. Even so, he didn't tell anyone. I never realized how influential he was to the people around him. I had no idea how much of an impact he made on the army as he didn't talk much about the everyday life as a general so I assumed it was just him barking orders at his subordinates.

Although, there were a few things he oftentimes spoke about...

"You know, Uncle Kai mentioned you a lot back home." He was taken aback when I suddenly changed the subject.

"He... He did?" His ears perked up and he stared wide-eyed at me.
   "He told me about this bright student he was mentoring. One with canine features. He didn't take you seriously at first but one day, he came home and wouldn't shut up about a mission on a mountain or something?"

"Yeah! I remember that! It was right before I got my Vision, actually..." I smiled when I caught a glimpse of his tail wagging. "You really impressed him back then. He said he was glad that you would be the one to take his place one day."

This left Gorou stunned as he just stared at me. He never knew Kaito viewed him that way. As the general, he was quite cold when it came to training but when he wasn't training the new recruits and you caught him during his off time, he was a kind person that never seemed to run out of stories to tell.

Too bad Gorou spent most time with him on the battlefield, so he only got to see his general-side. Even so, he respected the man and trusted every decision he's made. No wonder he was Sangonomiya's right hand man.

"He really said all that?" Gorou finally managed to say after composing himself. I nodded with a smile.
"Wow... Thank you, L/n. For telling me. It means a lot."
"I have no doubt that you will become an awesome general like he was so don't worry about that."

Gorou really needed to hear these words. He was doubting himself after becoming the general. He feared he would never live up to the expectations and the pressure would become too much to bare until he cracks, regardless of his warrior spirit. Although, knowing that Kaito, his mentor, had faith in him... made him think he should have faith in himself.

"I just remembered something. There's something I'd like to return to you." I tilted my head at him,
  "Return? I don't recall you ever borrowing anything...?"
  "Not from you, from Kaito. C'mon." Gorou beckoned for me to follow and led the way to another part of the camp.

He stopped in front of a building that stood at the centre of camp. It looked somewhat grander than the other buildings and stood out more.

"Since your uncle died, I haven't set foot in here. It's his living quarters as well as the place where most meetings were held. Even though this was technically his own house, he still chose to travel all the way back to his house in Ritou,"
He glanced at me from over his shoulder,
"Where you were." He opened the door and stepped aside. "After you."

We entered the room and immediately, I was met with darkness. "Hold on, let's get some light in here." He moved around in the darkness, opening a few windows and lit a lantern or two, basking the interior in lantern lights and sunlight.

It was one big open area that was sectioned into three parts. I stood in the main area which had a war table with a large print of the map on it. Presumably, this is where they planned their battles and strategize.

To the left, a single step separated this area to the next and the room looks to be a storage space where an assortment of weapons and armours were kept and a few other miscellaneous items. On my right, appears to be Uncle Kai's room. "Right this way." Gorou began to walk towards his room and I followed.

It was cozy, little trinkets were on every surface ranging from random, everyday belongings and a few other items that held sentimental value. Each had a story of its own. On the wall was a mounted, taxidermied boar head. It looked different from the average boars and larger, too. Must've been a special kind if it's worthy of being hung here. His bed was neat and looked as if it was never slept on. That might actually be the case. On the other wall, hung the Watatsumi Army's flag proudly.

A wide chest stood at the foot of his bed and Gorou bent down to open it just as I was wondering what it's contents were. "Here." Gorou turned with an object wrapped in cloth. "This, was your uncle's." He handed me the clothed object and I carefully undid the wrapping.

"No way..." I held up the silver bow and turned it over to admire the shiny surface. The intricate engravings were painted black and I could see signs of wear on the handling part and the bowstring. I could imagine my uncle using this on the battlefield.

"It's beautiful." I muttered and gently ran my fingers across the grooves and scratches.
"You sure I can have this?"
"Of course. He left it behind the day before his death. I'm glad he did, otherwise the Tenryou Commission might've confiscated it. I can't think of a better person to take care of it other than his own family."

My hands gripped it tighter as I held it against me. This was probably something he treasured dearly. He's maintained it for all his time in the resistance so I ought to do the same. "Thank you." I whispered as my vision blurred and felt warm tears roll down my cheeks despite me trying my best not to cry.

He placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder, seeing the sorrow in my eyes as I gazed solemnly at the bow. "I'll leave you be. If you need anything else, you know where to find me." Gorou left me with those parting words in my uncle's living quarters.

I heard the front door shut and I simultaneously fell to my knees, onto the hardwood flooring. I hugged the bow as if it were my uncle and the tears flowed uncontrollably.

  I yearned to hold him one last time, to hear one his lame jokes, to taste his awful cooking. I miss him. A lot. It was unfair. All of it. I didn't even get to see him, or mourn for him. Everyone here knows next to nothing about what happened and that angered me.

There was an aching in my heart. I had lost another family member, another person close to me. Mom... Uncle Kai... It hurts, and it doesn't get any easier. It never gets any easier. Even so, the only cure for grief, is to grieve.


The purpose of this chapter is to show how much of a good person Kaito was so apologies for the lack of Itto content. But the next chapter will make up for it<3


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