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"Look out!"

He looked up just in time to see an arrow shoot from a hidden trap above him. He took a step to the side and the arrow landed right beside his foot.

"Hehe... Oops." He laughed nervously and Y/n facepalmed. "Maybe we shouldn't rush this?" She offered. "Maybe there's a way to disable it..." She eyed the trap beside her. She was careful not to step in front of it as she approached it from an angle.

She could see the tip of an arrow within the slot but that's about it. No clear way to disable it. The best thing she could think of was triggering it until it runs out of ammo which she doubt would happen.

"Hey! I've got an idea!" Y/n felt a sense of dread whenever Itto said that. It was involuntary at this point. "Look!" He held up one of the wooden screen dividers with a wide grin, like someone who had this genius plan. This only made her feel more anxious.

"We can use this as a shield!" He couldn't understand the look she wore after he had suggested that. Her face made it seem as though Itto had suddenly grown another head.
"Why're you pulling that face?"
"Because... That's actually a good plan."

Y/n hopped past the first trap and took her spot beside him. "I'll cover this side." She said as she picked up a broken screen door which was smaller than the one he held.

"Okay! Ready... Go!" They both made mad sprint through the hallway, weaving in between the other screen doors as they did. Y/n would feel an impact beside her and caught a glimpse of an arrow head.

But she couldn't afford to fall behind. Matching his speed, they pushed forward until they saw another pair of doors at the end of the corridor. "Last push!"

Suddenly, a giant swinging saw appeared from a slit in the wall right beside the door. It swung towards them from the right and Itto grabbed Y/n, discarding his screen divider to pull her towards him as she was the closest to the saw.

"Hold on!" She thought he would slow down but no, he ran even faster and threw his weight against the door. The two went crashing through it, just before the saw could get them. Y/n lifted herself from her laying position to look back and saw the serrated blade wedge itself on the wall on the opposite side.

"Close call... You okay?" She asked Itto who groaned beside her while laying on his back. "My shoulder hurt."
"Y- I mean no. I'm too tough to– ow!" He flinched when she poked his left shoulder. "No fair..." He pouted at her.

Y/n got up and helped him up as well. She dusted herself off from the broken door's splinters and debris. "Is it broken? Can you move your arm?" She asked Itto who looked mildly concerned when examining his arm. He rolled his shoulder and winced when he lifted it too high.

"Meh, I've had worse. It'll be fine in a couple days. Max."
"You sure you're fine?"
"Psh, this is nothing compared to getting stabbed!" He seemed so proud to say it, probably waited his whole life to say something as badass as that.

"If you're so sure... Let me know if it gets worse, okay?"
"Awww you DO care!" Y/n simply rolled her eyes and decided to take the lead.

They were now in another room but it was much larger than the previous rooms they were in.

The floor was completely covered by tatami mats. Wooden swords and practice dummies were neatly packed on the sides. Against the wall directly ahead of them was a samurai armour stand. The armour sat dormant, silent and unmoving as most inanimate objects are.

"Yoooo! That looks awesome!" Itto hurried to get a closer look. Once Y/n got close enough, she noticed it was in pristine condition. Not even a single speck of dust could be found on the violet and black armour plating.

"Ohoho!" Itto's hand was gravitating towards it but something was telling Y/n to not touch it. "Wait. Don't touch it." She said urgently and grabbed Itto's wrist. "Huh? But whyyyy?" He whined like a child that was denied a candy.

"Look at it. There's something up with this suit of armour." Itto gave it another once over and his brows knitted, "Yeah you're right. Is it... Glowing?" Y/n hadn't noticed that initially but it was true, there was a feint purple glow emanating from within the armour.

The two instinctively backed away from it.
"Leeeet's just leave it."
"Yeah." They turned around, agreeing to leave it be. However, a rattling sound caught their attention. When they turned back around, the armour was shaking and rattling against itself.

"I told you not to touch it, Itto!"
"I didn't!"

The armour started to float, creating spaces between the different parts as if someone was wearing it. The glow was more prominent now.

"W-What should we do?" Y/n didn't answer him, she only continued backing away while watching it. The rattling got louder and the armour became erratic in its quivering. On the base of the the armour stand was two yin and yang shapes that had also glowed brightly and shook violently.

"On our left!" Y/n checked their flank to see three figures donned in samurai armour, similar to the one on the stand. "Not just our left..." Y/n turned around and saw three more positioned behind them, and another three on their right.

"Oh shit." Y/n took out her bow and Itto summoned his club. The samurai began to close in with their swords raised in front of them. Y/n shuffled backwards until her back met Itto's. "There's too many of them!" Y/n's eyes frantically searched for a way out of this.

A booming voice interrupted her thoughts,

"The heck? Was that some kinda riddle?" Itto asked after it had gone silent. "I couldn't understand a word it said!" Itto angrily cried out. "How was that supposed to help us at all?!"

Itto suddenly had a brilliant idea, "Y/n, translate!" She backed away while eyeing the nearest samurai and wracked her head for anything. "To pass is nay... Something about we have to pay with blood to leave?"
"Oh great!"
"But to leave unscathed we have to delay our fears..."

One samurai had gotten too close to Itto and he had to duck under it's blade. "You might wanna solve it a little faster if you don't want these guys to chop us up!"

Y/n glanced down at her bow. "Screw it." She aimed and fired at the one nearest. Y/n expected it to hit the samurai and stagger him, but instead, the arrow went right through it!

"Wait what?!" She desperately tried again but it didn't so much as flinch as it went through it and wedged into the wall behind it.



𝕃𝕖𝕥'𝕤 𝕊𝕖𝕒 (FEM! Reader X Arataki Itto)Where stories live. Discover now