Chapter 9: Brighton, England 1979 August 10th

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I would've written about the two days that have passed, but nothing important, nor interesting happened at all. Michelle, William, and I all just spent the days normally; eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as just watching television in the hotel room while Michelle swam in the hotel pool.

However, now that the day I would finally be leaving England has arrived, I can't help but notice the individual small problems that either I or Michelle keeps facing, on top of the sudden realisation that I was leaving the place I grew up in because I grew attached to a girl I met just a few days ago. I almost debated changing my mind several times but I always became too anxious to tell her anything after all she's done to help me.

The first problem that wasn't my anxiety was her brother calling saying he won't be arriving until nightfall, which made Michelle mad because she was previously in a rush to get ready and believed she would be running late.

The second problem was on my part. When Michelle told me I would probably have to hide in a luggage compartment if her brother couldn't find space for me on such short notice, I persistently refused; I didn't want to be shoved in a small cramped space like a piece of luggage. However, after annoying the hell out of me by lecturing me for being a "picky brat", William eventually persuaded me.

The third and hopefully last problem we encountered was getting into the airport. It was easy for Will and me to just fly over to the awaiting small plane and hide in the shadows, but we had to wait for Michelle to get through the main building, which took longer than I would've liked. It was very weird sitting in the bushes and watching her brother pace around the plane while it refuels and casually smoke a cigarette. He looked nothing like Michelle unless it was just the poorly lit airport's fault. The plane itself also looked questionable. It was small and built for maybe five or six passengers at the most. It was almost hard to believe this plane could smuggle drugs and paraphernalia without being detected.

Finally, however, we saw Michelle hurry out of the building with her bag in tow and the man put out the cigarette to greet her. They talked for a while, and I took that chance to come out of hiding and slink up behind him. Michelle gestured to me when I came up and I accidentally startled the poor pilot when he turned and saw me standing behind him like a creepy little shadow.

"Ahaha-... Je m'appelle Henri," he said after he had calmed down from his initial fright and extended his hand to me. I barely understood what he said, but I got the gist of it and shook his hand in greeting.

"Edgar Craaven. Pleased to meet you, sir." I answered with a smile. Henry chuckled awkwardly before motioning to the plane and saying something in French. Michelle translated for me and told me to go inside.

I obeyed, carefully ducking down into the small cockpit and making my way into the back, where Michelle wanted me to go. Michelle followed me and thankfully, my complaining about being shoved into a storage container was pointless because of my unique abilities. I was able to sit with Will under a seat and because Henri entered the plane last, he didn't see me transform. We waited patiently for everything to be set, all the while I felt my stomach twisting uncomfortably from the nervousness.

I was starting to doubt my choices by the time people came out to make sure the plane was in proper working order. My mind wandered to the times in my childhood when I was happy and I had a family. The times when I was innocent and normal... The times that seemed like paradise. I was questioning all of my life decisions that led up to this very moment; a moment that, in the future, would determine if I regretted this plane ride or would be proud that I made this choice.

Time seemed to slow in that plane. Even William's soft breaths weren't enough to speed things. I wanted to speak to him or Michelle but I knew I had to be absolutely quiet.

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