The Gardener

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"Hey guys. I hope you're all ready to start this tour. This isn't our first rodeo, so I'm sure that there's no need for me to explain how things are going to work. However, there is a reason for this speech, if you want to call it that. Firstly, I would like to apologize for how I've been acting. I know it's been a toxic environment for everyone and I am going to try to control my anger in the future. Secondly, we all remember how our previous tour went when a certain someone, yes James, I am looking at you, got attacked by a crazy fan. Since we do not posses the power to foresee the future, I think it would be best to remain cautious in that regard. As the frontman of this band, I am willing to take on the same job I had last time. Therefore James will be sharing rooms with me throughout this tour as well." He finished. Then he looked at the faces of his band mates. Everyone except James had a look of disagreement on their face. He waited patiently for what he knew would happen.

As if on cue Daisy spoke up: "I can share a room with her. I think it might be the calmer and safer choice. Seeing as you two have been in eachother's hair for the past I really don't know how many months."

"Marilyn and I talked about it, and we both agreed to keep the hostility to a minimum. Seeing as we have already spent many months as roommates, we are more used to living together than I am with any of you guys. I'm sorry Daisy but I agree with Manson." Molly piped up.

She reluctantly looked at Scott and saw hurt flash through his eyes. But he didn't protest. He respected her decision even though he very obviously disagreed with it.

"I will say this once and never again. If you two continue behaving like little children, I will forcefully move Wuornos out of your room and into one of ours." Pogo said. They all looked at him in surprise. It wasn't that often that he interfered in matters like this one. Which in turn made him sound that much more serious about the whole threat.

"I agree to your terms Pogo. Like I said, I will try to be nicer. Molly and I agreed on being less hostile." Brian said. He realised his mistake when he heard a sharp inhale from his drummer. He mentally slapped himself for calling her by her given name. He rarely did that these past few months.

Choosing to ignore his slip up, he said: "Anyone want to add anything? Well, then all aboard." They all boarded the bus and off they went.
Their first show was in Washington DC. They arrived 7 hours before the show this time. James opted for her usual destination, which was the concert stadium right off the bat, instead of going to the hotel first like the rest of them.

As she took off her shoes and walked across the stage, memories of the previous tour came flooding in. She felt almost like that first time. She was determined to be outstanding but she felt a tad nervous. The biggest difference between now and then was that back then her first show wasn't under the influence of heroin yet, while this time she was already pretty deep.

Just thinking about it triggered that familiar tingling sensation across her arm. She calculated her options in her head and decided to wait with the shot until after she did a round of all the new songs on the drum set. She'd still have plenty of time after that.

She sat behind her drums and let her foot get used to the cold feeling of the pedal it was touching. After it warmed up a bit she started doing what she did best - playing the instrument. It was exhilarating hearing her solo act in the empty arena. She went over every song three times and it took her a good two and a half hours to finish.

She then had approximately four hours left to kill. Good. She walked over to where she'd left her shoes and slid them on. Then she clumsily waddled her way to her dressing room where she had dropped her things off beforehand.

Molly found her equipment without any problems and went through her routine with no rush. She was pretty sure that everyone else was still at the hotel and even if they weren't, she made sure that her door was locked before grabbing her H stuff anyway.

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