Coma Black

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There was a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach throughout the entire flight home. It started out as a small knot like feeling, but it kept getting bigger, stronger, more uncomfortable. At the end it almost hurt. She wasn't really ready to go back. Though it seemed like she was better, she knew deep down that that wasn't the case at all. The closer she got to New York the stronger her need for heroin was. She didn't know what to do. Reminding herself of its consequences was futile. Knowing she'd soon see Brian wasn't helping at all.
Seeing Scott on the other hand sent her through waves of happiness. She knew he'd give her a warm hug. And tell her how glad he was to see her again. Maybe he'd be angry too? As much as she'd understand his anger, she'd be hurt. He was made aware of the fact that she wouldn't be back for a while, and that she would keep her location secret. He should have understood how much she needed this time. Not that it helped apparently.
But she guessed that she would never be completely free of the drug's reign over her mind, body and soul. The same could be said about HIM. Maybe it would be easier, though. Several months had passed and hopefully, he wouldn't cause her trouble. A girl can dream right?
They would be landing in half an hour. Her leg started shaking. Her nervousness grew two-fold. Scott knew when she'd arrive. Hopefully, he would be there. All there was left to do was wait and try to endure the sick feeling. She closed her eyes and tried falling asleep for the time being.
They finally landed at the airport and she slowly made her way toward baggage claim. After she had retrieved her suitcase, she wheeled it toward the exit. She looked around, trying to see if Daisy came to greet her. At first, she didn't see anything but then she heard a familiar song on the radio at the airport. It was Molly by The All-American Rejects. The song was old and not at all well known. The chances of that being a coincidence were slim. A smile spread across her face and she searched the crowd again. And then she saw it. Green hair. There he was. Holding a huge sign with her clown face on it. Her smile widened and she basically ran in his direction. He opened his arms and she hugged him. She didn't know what it was about this guy but her no touch rule flew out the window on multiple occasions with him.
"You have no idea how good it is to see you, man." She sighed into his shoulder. She felt his chest vibrate with laughter. She looked up at him and he was smiling. Good. Not angry. "The feeling is mutual, dude." After approximately ten more seconds they broke the hug, and Scott took her suitcase. She stopped in her tracks and soon enough he did the same. He looked over his shoulder at her angry glare. He sighed and wheeled the suitcase back to her. "Right, you're not a fucking damsel in distress, if I may paraphrase you." Her expression changed right away and they walked out of the building together.
He lead her toward a car in the parking lot. "You have a car?" She was surprised. "Well, duh. And yeah, I can drive, too. If you want I can surprise you further. It's a stick shift." She laughed at his mocking tone. She was impressed. "I never learned. No need for a car in New York." She said. "Well, I can teach you if you want? But it'll have to wait. There are some people who are dying to see you." She gulped. She also visibly paled. He quickly added: "Don't worry. He won't be there." She was relieved and her good mood returned. Then he told her they would go to his NYC apartment for the time being. She was fine with staying at his place before going to LA to start recording. He gave her a list of songs they would be doing for the next album. She went over the new beats in her mind. Doable. She was surprised to see her song among the rest. "Hey, Scott? Mine is in here, too." "Yeah, he said he liked it. I told him it was yours and he still kept it. I guess he's cooled down a bit." She nodded and they proceeded to drive in silence for a while. He had been fighting an internal battle. Should he ask her how she was doing? He read all of her letters, so he knew some of it. But he had no idea how she was feeling now that she was back home. "Hey, Molls?" he began cautiously. She looked up from the notes. "Yeah?" "How are you holding up now that you're back?" "I'm fine. For now." Okay, that might have been a little white lie. She didn't want to worry him, though. Not after everything she put him through.
"Welcome back James!" Pogo and Twiggy yelled as soon as Scott opened the door. She smiled and thanked them.
She took her things to the guest bedroom and dropped them off. Then she quickly changed into fresh clothes.
When she returned, they were whispering something to each other. She cleared her throat and all three of them looked fairly guilty. She sighed and walked past them into the kitchen. "What are you looking for Molly?" Scott came up behind her. "Do you have any booze? Vodka, perhaps?" She asked him. "Do you need a glass?" She shook her head. He nodded and then handed her a bottle of whiskey and he grabbed two beers. They took everything to his balcony. The other two joined them and they all sat around a table. "How was vacation? What did you do? Where did you go, anyway?" Twiggy asked her eagerly. "It was okay. I met this writer and spent a lot of time with him. I learned how to row a boat. I read a lot of books. Smoked a lot weed. Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. How have you guys been?" "I went home for the time being. Spent some time with my family." Pogo said. Twiggy told them that he had spent a lot of time with Marilyn, helping him with the song writing process. And Scott helped, too. She gave the latter a weird look. He knew that she wanted to know whether Brian saw any of her letters and he shook his head. "I can't wait to start recording. This album is gonna be so dope." Twiggy said. They talked and drank until 5 AM, when Pogo and Twiggy went home. Daisy and James went to bed as soon as they left. She was really exhausted. And in just three days' time they would go to LA and she would have to see him. Not a fan of that.
The three days went by in a blur. Soon enough they were on a jet that took them to her doom. When they entered the studio, he was already there. He looked up and said: "Hey. Did you all get the time to go over the sheet music?" They nodded. "We're not recording right away. We'll take two weeks to practice and get them all down to perfection, okay?" They all nodded again. Molly was holding her breath. He looked at the other three but not at her. She didn't know if she was able to handle a look from him. Just being in the same room had already made her skin itch. Fuck.

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