Chapter 9: Raven Plague

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Hey guys! This chapter will kind of be a bit of backstory on Raven so I hope you will enjoy


After the previous night, Hogwarts was abuzz with anxiety

It would have been reasonably worrying if it was only the one Troll that got in but it wasn't multiple did  and that was more cause for concern for both the Students and the faculty

News of Raven's slaying of the beasts was what washed away this anxiety though as seeing the Top Auror go to work for only a few minutes was a spectacle for their eyes even if it was for one singular Troll

Ron had decided however to reveal the climax at the girl's bathroom however keeping certain details out and only Raven saving them last minute and to no one's surprise that only boosted the student's admiration for their Substitute Professor...

However, a Certain Trio were curious and decided they wanted to know more

"Books about Professor plague?" The librarian Madame Prince eyes the Golden trio curiously as they all nod eagerly

"Yes, we were wondering if there was any in the library?" The three look at each other nervously worrying that this was a bad idea before looking back that Prince who's in intense thought on the question

"Apart from Hogwarts a History we don't possess any volumes about the Professor" walking off the trio look unhappy with the answer given but that's replaced with more curiosity as they quickly sit down at a table and Hermione brings out her copy of said book skimming through the pages before her eyes light up

"Found them!" Harry and Ron lean in each of them eager to listen in

"Very little is known about the origin of the Plague before their enrollment to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry and to this day they still refuse to bestow the information saying quote"

'I see no justification for the world to know of my past before Hogwarts and that frankly shall remain confidential till the end of my existence

"Even though their past remains a mystery their time at the school of wizardry and their achievements, later on, would surely be remembered till the end of time and there's plenty of reasons why" Taking a breath she continues

"Joining the school much later into other students 5th year Raven showed incredible intelligence and mastery of magic becoming top of all classes in Little over a month and that stayed up until the end of their enrollment at the school"

"Raven then became a monster hunter followed by the position of Auror and made a name for themselves through using a combination of magical and muggle means of combat against the more dangerous magical creatures in the world although records show they are much more vicious to dark wizards than beasts" all three of them look at each other very intrigued by what they are hearing before Hermione looks down to read more

"Raven's achievements as touched upon earlier happened a year after their graduation when many Witnesses saw them take on a pack of werewolves single-handed although this was only the start of their exploits" Ron and Harry lean in more fully invested in learning more

"As the year had gone by Raven accumulated popularity via many things captures of Dark wizards, magical beasts and elimination of monsters but what solidified their spot as top Auror was the incident called Shi no Arashi" Ron pales at the name making Harry and Hermione look at him silently asking what's wrong

"It means Storm of Death I remember Bill and Charlie going on about it when I was little apparently it was something bad because Mum and Dad started paling when Fred and George tried asking why they couldn't get an answer maybe the books got it" nodding Hermione finds where she left off and continues to read

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