The Arrival (DNG)

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Abby Irell (Athena)

This is how they got to the academy, so before the orientation.

My dad and step mom lied to me! I can't believe it! They dropped me off at this strawberry farm on Long Island and said this is where we are meeting to go to the school. When I got to the spot, I saw lots of other kids hanging around in the grass. To my left there was a group 10 or so kids huddled near a giant pine tree, whispering.

"How are we going to let everyone in? We can either take the Golden Fleece off Thalia's tree, and let monsters in or we can list off all of the names. Not to mention, only Mr. D, Chiron, Reyna, the Seven and any other major heroes can let anyone through the portals." Said a blonde haired and electric blue eyed boy.

"I think we should all list off names because of the number of kids, I mean, the scent the monsters call smell! To help reduce the monthly monster count, we should do it in groups, because even though it's a demigod camp, I don't know how much Thalia's tree and the borders can hold." A girl that looks like me and a couple other kids said. She has blonde hair and grey eyes. The one thing that distinguished her from the others that look like her and me, is that her eyes looked like broken glass. Like they went to hell and back.

"Let's get started then! I don't want my entrance or even worse, Annabeth and Thaila's entrance to camp repeated! FALL IN!" The black haired, green eyed boy said, the last part shouting. We immediately listened because he didn't look like someone you want to anger. Those people read off our names one by one saying.

'I (their name) give permission for (our name) to enter camp!' I wonder what this camp is. I found out when I walked inside. There were 12 big cabins in a U form and a bunch of smaller cabins off to the sides. Then there was a dining pavilion, a big house and much more! It was beautiful! Some of the stuff looked like greek mythology. Weird.

The people led us to a group of archways. They each said weird stuff like Camp Jupiter, Halfblood City, Halfblood Academy, Greece, Rome and Camp Halfblood. All of them had a purple and or orange glow around them except the last one, Camp Halfblood. That must be where we are, right?

Percy led us to the arch that said Halfblood Academy. The girls named Piper, Annabeth, and Hazel, walked through the portal and four boys read off our names again. As they said our names, we walked through the archway with one of the other people with them and then they went back to grab the others. When I opened my eyes it was a magnificent school that in a way looked like a one story castle. In front was a really nice garden and entryway complete with about 15 statues of people that look suspiciously like the ones who brought us here. Through the big windows I can see a lot of statues of people that looked like the gods from Greek and Roman mythology. Huh.

This place is huge! It looks like a giant collage in one building. After all of the people, who introduced themselves as our teachers, gave speeches, they told us that for a couple weeks we would learn about them and their parents? We need to learn about their parents?

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