The Orientation

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Annabeth Chase

"Good afternoon everyone!" There was a murmur of "good afternoons" from the mass of kids.

"Welcome to Hill Academy! I am Annabeth Chase, one of the head teachers here. First things first let us explain things. This is not a normal boarding school. All of you went through a special application process because you aren't normal kids." I said to all of the students.

"What she means, is that y'all are demigods." Percy interjected. Piper, the best person at explaining things, took over.

"Hill Academy is the cover name for our school for demigods like you. Halfblood Academy is the real name. Halfblood Academy is a new school where young demigods like yourselves learn about the so-called mythology world, and some mortal things. You will train to save the world someday like us, we are your teachers. We can and will help you with anything here. After 5 years, starting at age 10 earliest and age 13 latest, you will graduate and go to our camps to train harder and possibly go on quests. Once you are old enough, you can go to Halfblood City, the city designed for halfbloods." the demigods looked at us like we were aliens. as things started to process in their brains, they started to act like the world was ending. Will let out a very loud and sharp whistle to get everyone's attention. Leo stepped forward.

"The gods are going to claim everyone over the next few minutes. When you get claimed by your parents please go to their table with your half siblings. Each one of us is the head of our siblings. If you are roman, please go with your parent's geek representative and we will figure it out from there. Now if anyone is claimed by Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Artemis, Hera, Hestia, then we have a problem." He said the last part while staring at what we call the Little Big Five, the five living children of the Big Three, Jason, Thalia, Percy, Hazel, and Nico. Plus having a virgin Goddess claim a kid wouldn't be right because they are well virgins. Just then a lot of light filled the room as people started to get claimed. while pointing to each of the 17 sections in the dining hall, Thalia listed off which is which.

"Zeus is me and Jason, Poseidon is Percy, then Hades is Nico and Hazel. Apollo is Will and I am is Artemis' lieutenant, Athena is Annabeth, Ares is Frank and Clarisse, Hephaestus is Leo, Hermes is Travis, Connor and Chris, Aphrodite is Piper, Demeter is Katie, Dionysus is Polloux, Hecate is Hazel who has her blessing,  and all of us represent Hestia and Hera. All of the minor gods who we all also represent unless they have a demigod hero. There aren't many minor god children so they share a section. The 17th section is for all of the Heroes of Olympus and any guest hero. You are not allowed to switch sections without permission. Let's start the tour!" I am very surprised that Leo gave a full on professional speech. Thankfully everyone was claimed, which took a little bit of yelling from mainly Percy, at the gods. We were all so relieved to see that we aren't adding to our Big Three children collection to start world war three.  Each of us is taking our siblings on the tour of the school.  Me and my siblings from camp designed this school just like when we redesigned Olympus two years ago. It's like a giant high school but we tried to make it like our camps. On the outside we have a pine tree for the Greeks and a river for the Romans to help with security and tradition. In the entry hall we have statues of all the gods. On the East side is the Greek demigod's dorm rooms sorted by Godly parents and the same for the Romans on the West. We also have a training arena, sports areas, an amphitheater and rooms to teach the kids. We have a big field with a forest, hill, trenches and rocks for playing capture the flag, war games and more! All of the Athena kids were gawking over the architecture like normal.

"Who made this? The gods? It's so good!" One of the kids, Abby, asked me. I have a feeling she's a good one.

"I did and a couple of my senior siblings helped." All of their jaws dropped and started complimenting me. "What I mean by senior siblings is that, no, I am not the oldest but the second oldest. I have been at camp the longest and have gone on many quests and was part of a great prophecy. No one ever questioned my ability to lead so they just let me." Their faces formed shapes like zeros and I really don't blame them. I can and can't imagine what is going on in their heads right now. I mean yes we are intelligent but they are just learning that the 'myths' are real.

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