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It was about half past ten when  Malverick showed up to the docks. Alone. But I knew better. Malverick plays way too many games. So of course he wasn't alone. This is Malverick we're talking about after all.

"You came alone I see." He said to me with a smile as he walked towards me from his car. "So did you." I wasn't smiling. "What? Surprised? Or did you want me to bring.. Vic-" Don't you dare say her name." I interrupted my expression unchanged.

Her name will never sound right coming out of his mouth.

"You didn't bring her." "I know you, Cyrus. So, No, I haven't brought it." I knew he just wanted another reaction out of me so I just stayed silent. My face was still expressionless.

I will not show weakness.

"Where is she?" "Let's just say..she's somewhere safe." "We both know very well that Your safe is quite safe."

"You came back for me, remember?" I pulled out my gun and pointed it at him. As soon as I did so, there were red dots pointing down on me, coming from all directions. You could tell that they were on the top of the containers. But from where we were standing, of course it looked like no one was there.

"Relax, buddy. Just lower your gun down. There really isn't any need to resort to violence, is there?" He said so cheekily with a grin on his face, knowing he had the upper hand. For now.

"If you want to know where she is, I can show you." Another man got out of his car and handed him a tablet. Vixen, being shown on the screen. She looked completely drained. She's tied up in a chair and in a small dark room. Her hair covered her face as her head faced down. She's weak.

"Say hi, Vicky." Malverick was tapping the screen like he was tapping a fish bowl, trying to wake up the goldfish. But Vixen didn't move.

Then the man took away the tablet. "Don't worry. She's alive." Malverick said as the other man left with the tablet. "She's at our warehouse." He said, knowing I can't reach her there. I just stared at him. Maintaining a straight face. "You wanna go get her? Oh, that's right. You can't. I locked the bullets of my Glock and before I knew it, Shots began to fire...


The open road was dark, the only source of light being the headlights of my black Mercedes S-class an the full moon in the sky.

Suddenly, I began to hear shots through the radio. I picked up my phone, " Julius. Get in there. Now." I said, My men being near by Cyrus' location.

I've got to hand it to him though. This plan has to be fool proof.
I thought, remembering the series of events we discusses earlier around 5.30 PM.

"It's about time you called." I said as I joined him in the living room of my beach house. "It's about Vixen, isn't it." The police had been looking for her for almost a week now. Cian had told me the day it happened. "It's my fault. I shouldn't have left." He told me, modestly, "But I didn't come here to discuss what happened. I'm here to talk about what we'll do." He finished, finally facing me as he did so.

"I need you to call your men. Malverick wants to meet at the docks around 10 PM. But Malverick is sneaky, so he won't be alone. He won't bring Vixen. And of course he's hidden her somewhere." "And he won't suspect anything?"

"I no longer have men in Sacramento. They're all loyal to Malverick. He's in complete control of the ring here. So of course he'd assume I have no back up." "And what do you want me to do?" I asked curiously. He hasn't mentioned my part in all this yet. He faced away from me once again, "You'll get Vee."

The instructions were very clear. I wasn't used to receiving instructions from others. But this was Vixen we were talking about. She needs me. He attached a microphone to his clothes and I had a radio to hear everything they were saying.

"Maverick will give out her location Eventually. Accidentally or not." Cyrus said when we were coming up with the plan, "so you'll be my ears."

I drove faster not wanting to waste anymore time then I slowed down as I approached the entrance of the warehouse. "Malverick doesn't know any of his men. His second in command does. And that would be Sean yung, AKA, heartless. He's Malverick's partner. So he's obviously bound to be at Vixen's location, with her.

" you can enter undetected as long as you blend in. But once you reach vixen's exact location you have to be swift. They don't call Sean heartless for nothing." He warned me as he smirked.

I entered the warehouse undetected just as Cyrus said I would. I parked my car right outside and got out, acting like I belong. Going unnoticed, I began to scan the area. It was a normal warehouse, not too big actually. This is where he'd store some of his drugs, money, guns and other shipments he needed.

"Malverick wouldn't hide her in an obvious place. But considering that he left Sean in charge, leave room to expect the expected."

As I moved further into the area, I noticed a small shed not too far from the main warehouse itself. As expected.

"That's all you really need to know ow for now. I'm sorry Terry but from there you're in your own." He informed me as he got up to leave, "can I count on you?" "Do you have a choice?" I countered, a smirk on my face.

Even though I said that, I didn't have a choice either.
This is my best friend's life on the line.
I moved Swiftly towards the shed trying to blend in as much as possible. Surprisingly, no one was guarding the she'd. Suddenly I began to feel uneasy about this whole thing.

Something isn't right.

"And who might you be?" A deep voice greeted me flatly. I turned around casually and found a man slightly shorter than me, pressingva Glock against my chest. I smirked,

"Don't do anything rash, Heartless. Put the gun down." I states confidently hoping my assumption was right.

There was a long pause of silence."You must be Damien." He finally broke the ice, putting his gun away in the process. "Malverick told me he hired new men. But I thought you'd be here tomorrow." "I tend to move by my own time." I played along.

He smirked, loving my humor. "The girl's in there." He informed me, "keep an eye on her. That's your first assignment." He left, walking towards the warehouse.

I smiled to myself as
I opened the door.

There she was. Vee. He body looked so weak. Her head was facing down, her hands tied behind the Back of the chair she was sitting on. Her hair covering her face completely.

"Is.. Dying.. Still an. Option?" She asked weakly, her humor beyond me. "Now why would I ever let you do that?" I smiled as I knelt on one knee in front of her, lifting her chin so that she could face me.

She gave me a weak smile. Her eyes looked at me with so much confusion in them, "Terry?" "Come on. We have to get you out of here."I said,untying her. "But." We don't have time to have this conversation eight now Vee. we have to go." "Then.. Pizza?" She asked ever so desperately.

Her need for food this time understandable. "Then pizza." I whispered as I took her in my back. I took my phone out of my pocket "Now." I said into it as I walked out of the shed.

"Where's.. Cyrus?" Vixen asked ever so wearily.

Sadly, All I could do was stay silent till I could get word from him.


Heyyyy. Sorry for late update guys. We're almost at the end of Medicine and it's been quite the journey. Thank you all so much for your support guys😃.
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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2022 ⏰

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