Chapter One.) Wanna See Me Twerk?

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Barbara Palvin as Vanessa^^^


"Ohana means family. Family means.." Stitch says but Nani interrupts.

"Nobody gets left behind."

"Or forgotten. Yeah..." Stitch nods.

"Aww!" My best friend, Victoria, says as we watch the movie. If you haven't guessed already, we were currently watching 'Lilo and Stitch' AKA the best Disney movie in the world!

"This movie is crap," my twin brother, Valentino, complains. Vicky and I gasp, offended by how he could think this amazing movie was horrible.

"Shut up, Val!" I say, throwing popcorn at him. He ducks to try to avoid it, but it hits the top of his head.


"How am I related to you?" I asked myself as I returned my attention to the movie. Just before they get to the part where they save Lilo, Val took the remote and switched the TV off.

"Hey!" We objected.

"It's almost midnight and you have school tomorrow. Time for bed," Val says, crossing his arms over his chest as if he was the adult here just because he is older than me by two minutes and because he was in charge of me after my parents died. My Aunt Cassidy sends money and drops in from time to time, so in the mean time, Val is kinda the adult, even though it's not fair.

"So? We can stay up a bit longer. The movie is almost over anyways," I pout, clasping my hands together in an attempt to persuade him.

"Go to bed," he ordered, pointing to the stairs as if I was a child. I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I have to go anyways, cya at school, Vanessa," Vicky says as she grabs her jacket and heads out the door, giving me a side hug before she leaves. I return the hug with a frown.

"I'm going to go take a shower, when I finish, you better be in bed," he warns before heading off. I nodded glumly.

I waited until I heard the shower running before grabbing the remote with a grin. He took forever in the shower anyways, so I can finish it before he gets out.



I shut my locker with an irritated slam. I had gotten a 68% on my science exam, but I was hoping for higher. I studied hard for that thing! I just hate when this kind of stuff happens! You don't study for a test, you fail. You try the whole studying thing and expect to get a good freaking grade, but instead you get a 6-fucking-8.

I mumbled to myself angrily as I adjusted the books I was holding, one of them slipping and causing it to fall on the floor.

Now guess where it landed.

My toe.

"WHY?!"  I cried in agony as I jumped up and down, looking ridiculous as I held my throbbing toe. People gave me glares and weird looks as I continue my dance. Why do toes always have bad luck? I mean, I always accident hit my toe on a table leg or something, what's up with that?

"Vanessa- whoa, what happened?" Vicky asks as she walks up to me and notices my foot.

"Foot...textbook... PAIN!" is all I say. Now guess what she does.

Go on, guess.

She laughed.

My jaw dropped open as she fell on the floor, clutching her stomach and laughing hysterically. I blinked my eyes and waited for her to at least comfort me, but noo, she was laughing.

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