Chapter Thirty One.) My Boobs Are Buzzing!

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"Are you okay?" I reached for Ethan as he sat up, rubbing his head and looking around. When he spotted me, relief washed over his features and he let me hug him.

We were currently sitting in a empty room with no windows or anything really. The door was locked of course.

I pulled back and placed my hands on Ethan's shoulders. "Ethan, we need to get out of here."

He tilted his head and gazed at the door before looking back at me. He squinted his eyes before they lightened up and he pulled a bobby pin from my hair. I held a hand to my hair.

"Oh," I laughed nervously. "I forgot I wear those."

He offers me a small smile and suddenly he's gone. I blink and turn around to see him crouched down near the knob, sticking the pin in and wiggling it around.

"How did you get there so fast?" I demanded. One second he was in front of me, and the next he was near the door. What the hell?

He smirks over his shoulder and there's a small click sound. He hesitates before turning the knob slowly. I gasp when it opens.

"You did it!" I squealed before clamping my hand over my mouth when Ethan gives me a look. I cleared my throat and whispered, "You did it."

Ethan holds his hand out to me, and I clutch his hand tightly as we step out into the hallway. He keeps me behind him, and I suspect it's to protect me if someone appears in front of us.

"Who's gonna protect you?" I say quietly. He turns his head to give me a look that says, I can take care of myself.

I frown as we keep our backs to the wall, walking cautiously. Just as I take another step, Ethan suddenly pulls me into another room, leaving the door open only slightly to peer through it. My heart pounds when I hear footsteps coming closer. I hold my breath and immediately feel relieved when they don't stop in front of the room we are in.


That's strange, I mused, looking around for the sound. Ethan raises his eyebrows at me.


I gasp and clutch at my boobs. Oh my god, my boobs are-

"MY BOOBS ARE BUZZING!" I shrieked. Ethan slaps his hand over my mouth and pulls me back into the room.

The footsteps stop. "Did you...did you just say your boobs were buzzing?" someone asks.

"What? No!" another responds.

"Then who said that?"

"Said what? You must be imagining things."


"Let's go, man." Their footsteps start to fade away.

Ethan lets go of me, and my eyes widen. "My boobs were buzzing! I swear!"

He blinks at me.

I sighed. "Turn around," I order. When he does so, I look down at my boobs and pat them, frowning when I feel something there.

"What the..." I gasp when I pull it out of my bra and see its Keith's phone. Oh my god, I forgot I put it there!

"Look!" I whisper-shouted, waving Keith's phone around. "It's Keith's phone."

He gives me a questioning look, as if wondering why the hell I have Keith's phone, but I just shrug and look through Keith's contacts, looking for Tyler's name. When I find it, I press on the dial button and hold the phone up to my ear, biting my lip in anticipation.

"Hey, Keith."

Just as I'm about to open my mouth to talk, Tyler speaks again. "Wait a minute...Keith, how are you calling me on the phone if you're standing in front of me wondering where your phone is?"

I roll my eyes. "Tyler, it's me, Vanessa."

"Oh my god, my ex-bae!" Tyler squeals. "Wait, are you calling to try to get back together?"

I gasped. "I'm still ex-bae?"

"Um...I actually don't remember," he admits. "We're on and off all the time so..."

(A/N: Legit me and my bae fatimae21 ily )

"Tyler, who are you talking to?" I hear someone say in the background.

"Oh, it's just Vanessa."


I snatch the phone from Tyler's hand, and he protests with a small 'hey!' I ignore him.


"Fat pig."

I'm so relieved I don't even care that she's called me a fat pig. "Baby, are you okay? Where are you?"

"James kidnapped us, Keith. Can you believe it? What is up with people wanting to kidnap me so bad? Like, I know I'm awesome as frick but this whole kidnapping thing is getting kind of boring-"

"James kidnapped you?" I echoed in anger, my fists clenching.


How is she so damn causal about this? I wonder.

"I'm am so going to get him," I growled.

"You should. He took out my baby Ethan. My poor son."

I blinked. She is so strange...

I sigh. "Just hang in there. I'll coming, okay? I won't let anything happen to you."

"Okay." A pause. "Keith?"


She hesitates. "When this is all over, can I kiss you so I know everything will be okay?"

I soften. "Of course you can, princess."


"I will."

"Oh, and Keith? I ate your special cookies yesterday, oops bye."

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