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Wow, I never realized how much I miss this story


"You're whipped."

Keith glared at Angela when she said this, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I'm not whipped," Keith said through clenched teeth. "I just...want to do this special thing for Vanessa."

Angela raised her eyebrows at him, showing him she didn't buy any of his bull. Keith rolled his eyes. How he survived more than six years with this red-headed freak was beyond him.

"I think wanting to move your wife to a fùcking farm so that she could be with the cows and farm animals she so adores makes you whipped." Angela let out a laugh. "Do you even know how to survive on a farm?"

Keith blushed angrily. "I was a gang leader, you know. That means I do have a lot of money. Which means this farm won't be as...farmy as the average farm."

Angela stared blankly at him. "That makes no sense."

Keith huffed. "Fine. Fück you. I know Tyler will help me."

Angela laughed at Keith's retreating back. He was more in love with Vanessa then he'll ever admit, and it was cute to see him getting worked up over her.

"Ahh, young fùcked up love," Angela sighed with a smile, wiping a tear away before heading back to her own wife.


"A farm?!

Keith sighed as Tyler practically choked out the words. "Yes, Tyler. A farm. With cows and pigs and chickens and shít like that."

Tyler gasped. "Keith Owens is willing to spend his life on a farm?"

"Ugh," Keith groaned. "You guys are all fùcking useless. How the hell were we a gang once?"

Tyler narrowed his eyes. "I can't help it! I just can't imagine you on a farm! Are you going to wear overalls and a straw hat? Will you carry a pick everywhere? Are you going to milk the cows, or will Vanessa have to do that for you?"

"I hate all of you."

Suddenly Tyler's eyes brightened. "Oh my god, can I live with you guys on the farm?!"

"What?" Keith look alarmed. "No! No, you can't."

Tyler pouted. "Why?" he whined.

"Because," Keith stuttered out. "That's weird. I can't live with both my wife and my best friend on a farm."  

Tyler's face broke out into a smile and that only horrified Keith even more.

"What the hell? Why are you smiling- hey! Get away from me, you idiot! What are you-oomph!"

Keith grimaced when Tyler hugged him so tightly he practically lifted him off the floor.

"You called me your best friend," Tyler grinned, squeezing Keith more tightly.

"What the fûck, Tyler?" Keith demanded, trying to push out of Tyler's hold. "I've called you my best friend before."

"Yeah, but not recently."

Keith sighed. "Tyler, put me down."

Tyler waited for a moment longer before finally letting go of Keith.

Keith huffed and brushed at his clothes and did a double take when he looked at Tyler. For Tyler was clasping his hands together with his eyes wide and his bottom lip jutting out.

"Stop that," Keith ordered.

Tyler didn't stop.

Keith tried to resist, but Tyler only pushed his bottom lip out further. Keith gritted his teeth together before finally letting out a sigh.

"Fine, you can fùcking live with us," Keith forced the words out. Then he rolled his eyes when he was pulled in for another hug.

"Love you," Tyler grinned.

"Yeah, yeah. Love you, too or whatever."


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