Chapter Twenty Eight.) Nobody Nose

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Oh my god this chapter was originally the epilogue and I'm just like omg ew why did I do what I did but then again who knows what the epilogue will be like this time ;)


Keith looks like he wants to hurl his phone at the wall and shatter it into a million pieces, so when he lets out a huge curse and raises his hand, I snatch it away and place it on the bedside table.

"Keith, calm down," I try to soothe him.

He pins his deadly gaze on me. "Did you just tell me to calm down?" he hisses.


"Did you," he points to me, "just tell me," pointed to himself,"to calm down?!"

I refuse to feel intimidated by him, so I stood my ground. "Yeah."

"Calm down?!" he sneers again and I start to wonder if he's going deaf.

I gulped. "Yeah, um," I swung my arms around nervously. "You should do that."

He grabs the top of my arms and shakes me. "You try having one of your gang members missing and your father knowing you want to kill him! You try having to go through what I have to go through everyday! Don't tell me to calm down!"

His grip was getting to tight. "Keith..." I started.

"You barely even know me!"

But I couldn't focus on what he just said and instead whispered, "Your hurting me."

His hands shot off my arms like he'd been burnt, and he took a step back. I rubbed where he was gripping me with a frown.

He was still for a moment, staring at the floor. After I was sure it was safe, I took a step toward him and wrapped my arms around his waist, leaning my head on his chest and closing my eyes, listening to his rapid heartbeat. His arm stayed still by his sides.

It took him a while, but after his breathing slowed and he felt like he calmed down, he hesitantly wrapped his arms around me.

"Better?" I looked up at him.

He let out a big breath of air. "Kinda."

Do your speciality, Vanessa, inner me reminds me, feeling for Keith.

What's that?

She rolls her eyes.

Make him smile or laugh.


I grinned up at him. "Wanna hear a joke?"


"Okay," I smirked. "What do you call someone with no body and just a nose?"


"What do you call someone with no body and just a nose?" I pressed.

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