Chapter Two.) Ariana Grande Trying To Get Freaky With Zombies Or What?

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Francisco Lachowski As Valentino ^^^


When I woke up, I was dead.

Haha. Just kidding. I probably shouldn't joke like that, because I never know if I could die right this second.

When I woke up, I had a massive headache. It wasn't just a normal headache but a very painful headache that felt like a million apples were falling on your head while you sit there cursing Newton.

Yeah, that didn't make any sense. I should stop talking to myself.

I rubbed my head as I looked around my surrounding. I was in a room that had nothing but a bathroom, a closet, and a bed that I was currently sitting on. Pretending to have a walkie-talkie, I spoke into my wrist.

"I am in a strange room, and there are no signs of intelligent life anywhere," I murmur into my wrist.

Ok, Vanessa, now is not the time to play around because I actually am in a strange room and unlike Toy Story, I might die.

Carefully, skillfully and quietly, I made my way out of the bed and opened the door slowly. Biting my lip, I tiptoed across the hall just in case there was a human in this empty-ish home. I wasn't going to take any chances.

When I finally made it down the stairs, I headed to the front door. I twisted the doorknob but it wouldn't budge. Frowning, I ran my hand through my hair.

Dramatic gasp. Windows!

I quickly moved to a room that had windows and tried to open it up. But you know, it wouldn't budge.

Well of course the guy would make sure there was no possible way to get out to tell the police. Why must you be so stupid Vanessa? Inner me says.

"I am not stupid!" I shouted at myself, giving a childish stomp.

"You must be because you kinda are talking to yourself," a voice said behind me. I gasped as I whirled around and made eye contact with Harry Styles.

Again, just kidding! Back to reality now. But wouldn't it be awesome if I really was meeting Harry Styles? I mean, come on, that boy is sexyyy.

"Holy crap, where did you come from?" I asked the man who was watching me with a confused face. I took a step back and stopped when I felt the wall, leaning against it.

"I believe I popped out of my mother's vagina 20 years ago," he says, tapping his chin in mock thought with a grin.

"No need to be a smart ass," I grumbled then widened my eyes when I realized something important.

"Hey! You're a life form!" I squealed as I grabbed onto his shoulders. He jumped back, shocked and gave me a weird look.


"Oh my god! You can help me! See, I am here by mistake. So I was walking home from school because my brother couldn't give me a ride and since it took like, I dunno," I gave out a nervous laugh. "Two hours, maybe, it was getting dark. And then, there was this weird physcopath guy,right?"

"I wouldn't know since I wasn't there," he muttered.

"And he was in this alley with this other man! And they said stuff and the crazy man, like, pulled out a gun from his pocket... Wait, why would you keep a gun in your pocket anyways? What if you sat down and accidentally somehow pulled the trigger and just EXPLODED?!"

"Can I get you some aspirin?"

"Anyways..." I said, pretending I didn't hear what he said. "He pulled out a gun and bang!" I made my fingers form a gun and pretended to shoot along with the sound effect. "The man was dead!"

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