Chapter Four.) Who Runs The World? Cows

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Dean Geyer as Ethan ^^^


I burst out laughing.

"!" I said in between laughter, clutching my stomach. " want me as a...a SPY? You're hilarious." I wipe away a tear that managed to escape from laughing to hard. I looked up at Keith and my laughter started to die down when it dawned on me.

"'re serious?" I asked slowly. When he says nothing, I start to panic. Me? A spy for this dumbass? SIKE.

"Okay, one," I hold up a finger. "I am very irresponsible, okay. You can ask anyone and I mean anyone.

"Two, why on earth would I be a spy for you out of all people?! I mean you did kill someone in front of me and did kidnap me."

He seemed to be gathering up his thoughts before a smirk starting forming on his face, shrugging his shoulders and stuffing his hands in his pockets. Like a fuckboy who thinks they're about to get laid. Oh god, he is a Fuckboy.

A fuckboy that can't get fucked.

When he still didn't say anything, I looked at the door at the corner of my eye. It was left a tad bit open, maybe I can still make a run for it.

Seeing me staring at the door, realization dawns on Keith a second too late. I'm already running for the door when strong, muscular arms wrap around my waist and lift me off the floor.

"LET GO! LET GO, YOU BIG FAT PIG! I SWEAR TO GOD...!" I continue to scream and kick my feet helplessly in the air. He claps a hand over my mouth before shutting the door with his foot. Then he drops me on the floor and locks the door. I fall on my ass with a "oomph" and rub my butt.

Um, ow!

Keith then turns to me and squats down so he's eye level with me and grabs my chin roughly. "Listen here, princess, you will be a spy for me and you will do anything I ask of you. I'm in charge around here, and there's nothing you can do about it."

"Watch me," I hissed through my teeth.

"I'd like to see you try."

Then my foot flys up to knee him in his family jewels.


"...and that's why I told her not to do that because I mean, if she did, she would obviously die of humiliation. I mean, seriously..."

The guy from earlier (the one who called Tyler a female private part) which I soon learned his name was Blu, covered his ears with a pillow and groaned as I continued ranting.

Keith put me in a room with only a bed, a desk, and an empty closet, and ordered Blu and the quiet guy who always foils my escape plans to guard me while he tends to his...wounds.


"...but did she listen? Noooo. Don't you hate when that happens? Your friend asks for your advice and then doesn't use it?" I mused, thinking about it. Ethan nods his head in agreement.

"Has that ever happened to you?" I asked him, and he shrugs.

He really doesn't like to talk, does he?

"What about you, big guy?" I say, swinging around to look at Blu. "What's on your mind?"

"Right now... I want to cut out your voice box and rip your mouth off so that you can never speak again."

I placed a hand on my chest. "Well, damn. No need to get your panties in a twist. You should be like me. I'm normal. Nice. Calm," I grinned lazily.

"Calm?! You fucking kneed our boss in the balls!"

I waved him off dismissively. "So? He should've known better then to mess with me."

Blu glared at me. "No... You should've known better then to mess with him! You're in big trouble, girl."

"Please, what's big bad Keith gonna do?" I said in a mock baby voice, pouting.

"Probably kill you if you don't watch what you say," a new voice says, and I look up to the red-headed female who had walked in.

I gulped. "I'm-" I cleared my throat. "I'm not scared of him."

Angela nodded her head with a knowing smirk. "Sure."

"Hey, did you guys hear- THERE SHE IS!" Tyler runs into the room
and points at me, excited for who knows what reason.

"Hey-" I start but he cuts me off.

"Okay, you are officially my role model. How the hell did you get the balls to, well, kick Keith in the balls?!"



"What?" Tyler turns to look at Blu. Blu clears his throat before nodding his head to the doorway where a furious looking Keith was.


But you know, not for long.

"So, are we all gonna have a meeting to overthrow the pig army and run the world with cows?" I asked seriously.

Even more silence.

"I think we should kill her," Blu pips in.

"Same," Angela agrees.

"No!" Tyler says.

Ethan stays silent.

"Everyone out," Keith orders, and they do it with no hesitation. I start to follow them out the door when he grabs my arm. I turn and glare at him and he flinches, remembering the uh... Incident.

"You will be my spy whether you like it or not," he hisses at me.

"I will not!"

He narrows his eyes, then a small smirk forms on his lips.

"Fine," he says simply, letting go of my arm. I take a step back away from him, very confused.


"I said, 'fine,'" he grins evilly. "You don't have to be my spy."

I watch him carefully, waiting for the punch.

"I'll just kill your brother."


Short chapter I know! Am sorry!

I've just been really tired with all the imposter shit and stuff and it's pissing me the hell off.




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