Chapter Five.) Goddammit Ethan

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Mikkel Jensen as Tyler ^^^

Ignore the "Frankie Morelle" part LOL

Isn't he frickin' adorable? Don't you just want to, ugh, kidnap him yourself?


"You're bluffing," I laughed nervously. "You wouldn't really kill my brother."

Oh but he would, inner-me reminds me.

Shut up, I snap at her.

"Oh, but I would."

Told you.

I'm absolutely horrified. How- how did I get from complaining about cactus dicks to having to deal with a frickin' gang leader? Who designed my life this way?

(AngelZ and DreamCreature snicker as they type.)

Tears start to form at the corners of my eyes and I blink them away before Keith sees. I will not let him kill my brother, but I also don't want to be part of something that can get me arrested. There's nothing I can do, can I? The last thing I can do is beg.

Wait... or use crying as a strength.

"Can't you just let me go? I promise I won't tell anyone anything. I don't want to get arrested and I promise I won't go to the police."


I sniffed and wiped my eyes with the back of my hand. "I- I don't know what I'll do if I don't see my brother again," I sighed. "And I guess I haven't really told anyone this but I'm a mother! I have kids, too! And my daddy Ashton. And let's not forget my husband Luke, and my side bae Michael, and of course my baby child, Calum!"

Keith raises an eyebrow.

I choked out a pretend sob. "You must let me go back to my family! You must," I fell down and clutched his leg. "You must."


I frown and get up, dusting off the imaginary dirt on my jeans. It's silent for a while, and Keith just watches me before I open my mouth again.

"I have one more story. If it's a good one do I get to be let go?" I try.

He opens his mouth to respond when Tyler suddenly comes crashing in the room. He places his hands on his knees, out of breath before speaking.

"Ke- wooh, hold on lemme catch my breath," he holds up a finger. Then he looks up and his face is full of alarm. "We're under attack!"

Keith's eyes widen and I whistle awkwardly, knowing it must be Val. Maybe he's going to save me! Suddenly, Keith's eyes narrow as if he just figured something out. He pins his deadly gaze on me.

"You..." he hisses, slowly walking towards me.

I laugh nervously. "Heh, heh. Now, let's not be hasty and...RUN!" I scream as I break out into a sprint. I hear his loud footsteps chasing after me as I weave through the halls and down the stairs. But of course, we all know how this ends.

"GODDAMIT, ETHAN!" I cry as I see him sitting on the bottom step of the stairs. I turn around to see Keith at the top of the stairs, so either way I'm trapped. I?

I rush down and jump on Ethan's back, causing him to tip over and fall on the floor. Keith is starting to make his way after me, so I quickly crawl away as fast as I can. I feel arms wrap around my waist and lift me up and shriek, wiggling around to get whoever is holding on to me to let go.

Fucking Ethan.

Ethan hands me over to Keith as if I am nothing but a rag doll. I start to protest but Keith grabs onto my arms and shakes me.

"Let go! You asshole! When I get out of here I am so gonna-"

"STOP FIGHTING ME!" he roars and I instantly quiet down.  I let my arms go limp and watch his chest heave up and down. We have a small glaring contest before there is pounding on the door.

"Open up! It's the police!"


Vvvvvvvvvvv short chapter I'm vv sorry I promise I will get another update ASAP.

I just...

Really like the cliffhanger OMF!!!



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