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Three days.

Three days had Dabi secluded himself in his bedroom.

Away from Shigaraki, away from social interaction, away from life.

If he ever went out - just for toilet breaks, or if he was hungry, he'd leave the room as soon as the crusty man stepped in, and Shigaraki didn't go check on him which only further proved that he seriously didn't care for the scarred man after all. He couldn't love Dabi back, that is, if Dabi had any feelings at all. Though if he didn't, why was he staying cooped up in his room like this?

Just a sad, lonely emo.

Toga occasionally paid him little 'visits,' which weren't given permission to - she often just bust the door open and barged in, singing these weird little songs about how she wants to watch boys and girls drown in their own blood. It bothered Dabi. And it was creepy as fuck. Who does that?

Teenagers really did scare the living shit out of him.


"I still don't see why though. If you don't like the birdie anymore, why are you moping about in here? It stinks like men, when was the last time you showered?"

"Last night-"

"And why are all your clothes so blue? So dark. A little bit of red here and there would look nice." Toga was sat at the end of Dabi's bed, grabbing clothes and throwing them around the room after making disgusted faces.

"Can you not go through all my things?" The scarred man snapped. "How would you feel if I went through your diary, huh?"

Toga suddenly stopped then, her eyes glazing over. "My diary?"

"Yes, your diary."

The yandere blushed at that thought, and brought her knees to her chest, hugging her legs.
"Oh, no! Hehe~ I don't think you'll want to go looking in there..."

Dabi made a mental note to never go looking in Toga's diary, no matter how much he wanted to. Not because Toga denied him permission, but because he would probably scar himself even more to read whatever someone like her would write about their lover.


Dabi flinched, being dragged out of his thoughts. "What?" he asked, slightly pissed.

"Can I guess who it is if you won't tell me?"



Still laying down in bed, Dabi placed an arm over his eyes, not wanting to look at the excited teenager, and groaned.

"Yeah, fine. Whatever." He was already regretting this, knowing Toga would not give up until his crush was discovered and exposed.

"So..." she bounced up from his bed, walking around with her hands behind her back. "Is it someone I don't know?"


"Is it me?!" she asked excitedly.

Dabi grimaced, not wanting to imagine the idea of him and Crazy together. "What the hell? No way would I ever love you. That'd be weird as fuck." He saw Toga pout sadly at that, and added, "You're more like a sister to me. And an annoying one at that."

Toga grinned and spread her arms wide to hug him. "Aw, I love you too big bro!" Fortunately for Dabi he managed to dodge before he was squeezed to death.

"Come on, why don't you ever hug anyone?"

"Because I don't want to," came the surly reply. The last time Dabi had been hugged by someone was years ago, and the man didn't want to open old memories or find forgotten emotions by doing so. Emotions he didn't need. Emotions he hoped never to feel again.

It was just....there was this one emotion that had managed to wriggle its way into his life again. He already hated it for what it was doing to him, since his definition of love wasn't exactly what you'd find in the dictionary.

For him, love wasn't that fluttery feeling of happiness, it was more like fear for if they should ever find out. Or fear that he would even be discriminated for loving someone.

He hated love.

"Maybe the person you like will give you a hug?"

Dabi couldn't help but chuckle at that. "If I gave them a hug, I'd probably die on the spot."

Toga stroked her chin, sticking her tongue out as she thought.
"So they're dangerous? Is it a villan then? Someone in the League?"

Ah, shit.

Now that really narrowed it down.

"You know, Toga, maybe you should-"

"No, wait! I know I'm getting closer. Is it someone in the League though?"

Dabi frowned, his blue eyes darting around the room to find a distraction. Just anything that would get rid of this girl.

"Ooh, they are in the League, aren't they?! You're not answering the question, so let's see..."

Dabi felt his panic growing as Toga went over the possible candidates. If it was him he'd feel more comfortable, able to possibly fool Toga and trick her into thinking he loved someone else, because once she was set on someone there was no changing her mind, it was permanent.

"Spinner? Pfft- imagine kissing Spinner! I'm pretty sure you're not into turtles, and...I know you think Twice is a bit over the top, but maybe Mr. Compress?" She nodded to herself as if confirming her decision. "He seems alright. He can be talkative and joking, but he isn't immature or anything, and he can play cards!"
She said this as if Dabi liked that sort of thing.

The scarred villan covered his face with his hands, ashamed that Toga would even suggest someone like Compress. He wasn't a particularly bad man, he was just a little pompous. "Fucking hell Toga, it's not Mister."

Toga, a little offended, placed her hands on her hips. "Well that only leaves Tomura and Kurogiri! How are you supposed to sleep with someone who's made out of mist?"

But then, the moment Dabi had been dreading happened, and Toga's ochre eyes widened. They seemed to light up with, in Dabi's opinion, a sickening acknowledgement.

"Oh, it's Shiggy! You've fallen for Shiggy instead!"

"Toga, thats a bit much. Anyone who could think Shigaraki is lovable or even handsome is mad. Insane."

"But look!" She pointed an accusing finger at him and he jerked backwards before his eye was stabbed. "You've gone red!"

Dabi hadn't even realised he was blushing and grumbled to himself, pulling the covers over his head.

This only confirmed Toga's suspicion and she bounced about with glee, saying how smart she was at being able to figure it out.

She soon ran out, calling Twice, and Dabi groaned. His secret was going to be found out in no time.

Props to having the worst way to come out as gay.


well i mean, they already knew he was gay but yaknow, gay for his boss.

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