Chapter Four

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Idea from @ilovebread4ever

Jacob's POV

I don't know why I'm here. But the teacher or principal i don't even know called Tyler here too. So In all honesty I'm kinda of confused. Wait, what if they realized I rolled the ball. Heh, it won't even matter, like 1. The cut didn't even seem that deep, and 2. They won't have any proof to find out it was me.
I look towards the door, cause I heard sniffling. I look and see Tyler basically leaning all his weight onto that Ayden or Anal guy. I start snickering because of this.

"And what's to funny?" That one teacher who has beef with me or some shit speaks up.

"Oh it's nothing," I say while smirking, "it's just that Tyler looks drunk right now."
That Ayden kid stands up and says, "Oh so you think him being in pain is funny to you?"

I just look at him confused. Why is he getting so mad? "Yea, what about it?"  I say standing up and looking at him, well more like UP at him. Cause you see, in my household if you stand up in an argument with someone, then you guys about to fight.

Now that I'm closer up, and can see him more up close. I can automatically tell that if we are about to fight, I'm gonna get my shit rocked.

Tyler's POV
I'm just over here watching Aaron and Jacob have some staring contest or something? I don't really know, but I hope they fight. And if they do I hope someone pulls a Will Smith. Actually I hope it's Z who pulls a Will Smith.
The teacher who hates Jacob then stands up, "Jacob it's been to our knowledge, that you've purposely tried to get this boy hurt?"

During her talking Aaron then sits down next to me.

Jacob was pretending he was confused, but we all know he isn't fooling anyone with that trashy acting.

Jacob's POV
I think my acting was pretty good.

Aaron Z's POV
His acting was ass. Like if you want to be good at lying, maybe try not to blink every 2 seconds?

The teacher is saying something like, "we can't have you purposely trying to get students hurt. So therefore as punishment, you will have detention for the rest of the month."

Jacob's eyes basically pop out of the socket! "B-BUT TODAY'S THE FIRST!"

She just looks him up and down, "maybe next time, don't hurt someone on purpose?"

It stays silent for a while, and the tension in this room is unbearable.

"Okay but can I go, I think I should get this cut checked out."


While I'm over here thinking about beating a bitch up, Tyler is still staying calm and composed. Like the fuck.
The principal just looks at us with a genuinely sincere look on her face, "it's fine Tyler, go and make sure your okay. And Aaron Z, help him get there safely."

I help Tyler get up, "Yes Ma'am. Get up Ty."

Tyler's POV

"Now that's how you do it!" I say walking out the door.
Z looks at me impressed, "Bro I'm still surprised it worked!"
I smile at him, "Were you doubting me?"
Z tensed up, he's so gullible it's cute!

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