Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Robaire's POV:

So today is Wednesday, and Wednesday is the day for band meetings. We hold our meetings in the afternoon so then you have time in the morning and night to do your personal stuff.

We all like to keep the meetings brief taking 30 minutes max.

The closet we've ever even gotten to that is 25 minutes.

I hear my alarm go of at 12 P.M that lets me know that it's the start of the meeting.

I walk downstairs from my room to only be in the presence of Tae.

Robaire: Tae? Where the hell is everyone else.

Tae: Jesse is still recovering from heartbreak, Z is talking to Tyler, and T is taking a number 2.

Robaire: They do know that it's a Wednesday, and it's 12 P.M.

Tae: Yep! Also the additional reminders from you.......Why is that?

Robaire: Why is what?

Tae: Why were you so determined to remind us about the meetings. You don't usually do it.

Robaire: Well, y'know how I was drunk, like hardcore drunk that one time?

Tae: Um, yes.

Robaire: Well after the checking in and all the usual stuff, I wanted to know what really happened the night I got drunk.

Tae: Why?

Robaire: Cause I know that you guys weren't telling me the full story.

Tae suddenly tenses up, and just like that words started flowing out of him.

Tae: Okay so, when you got drunk you told everyone about how in your life- like before 4*Town you were only seen as average. But then you got really personal and you told us about your crush. And you described them.

Robaire: Who did I end up describing?

Tae: Tyler.

Robaire: Oh.

Tae: So your not mad or anything?

Robaire: Huh? Oh what would I be mad at?

Tae: Becau-

Robaire: Because the people I thought I could trust heard a secret about me and my personal shit? Then decided to lie to me about it! Geez Tae what would I be mad at?

Tae: Well, they told the truth.

Robaire: Not the whole truth though! They also lied in between. You guys told me everyone but Z got drunk. I'm not even mad that you guys know my secrets. I'm mad no one came and told me that they knew.

"Mostly you Tae."

Tae: What'd you say?

Robaire: Nothing. Just Tae.....Why didn't you tell me? We've been best friends before the band even got assembled. Since I was 12 years old Tae. Since you were 11. 4 years of never keeping secrets. You knew about my life before the band.  So why couldn't you just tell me that?

Tae: Are you for real? 4 years of never keeping secrets but you don't even tell me about your lousy crush on some boy?

Robaire: Hey! It's not lousy. I've fallen hard.  And he's not some boy. It's different.

Tae: You say that all the time.

Robaire: What's it to you. It's never seemed to bother you this much before.

Tae: Damn it Robaire! Can you really not see behind my poker face? Do you never realize that whenever you like someone they like you back? You always ditch me for them, and when it never works out you come back. I'm happy Tyler doesn't like you back. I've had to help you through your heartaches but you've never seemed to care about mine!

Robaire: What heartache do you have Tae? Huh?! Come in tell me. You've never liked anyone enough to actually make a move on them!

Tae: Yea cause I'm too busy liking you!

Tyler x Aaron Z fanfic: I'm falling in love Where stories live. Discover now