Chapter Ten

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Idea from:  @PhysoLovingit

Robaire's POV

That little girl, just said the most random thing ever!
Once she said Tyler's face turned so red. He was blushing so hard because of it!

Robaire: Yep! He is our boyfriend.

I say that while winking at Tyler.

T:  Nah, we are just fuck buddies.

Jesse pushes T's head. And he mumbles,

Jesse: Dude, shut up. She's like two.

Talia: What does fuck mean ?

Tyler: Uhhh- Talia, why don't you go and refill TyTy's food and water bowl.

He said that, still while blushing! When he gets flustered it's cute!

Talia: Oh, Okay!

So Talia, which is her name, skips to the kitchen and we can hear the sound of Kebbel hitting a metal bowl.

Tyler: Sorry. I told her a boyfriend means, a friend who is a boy!

He's so cute when he blushes.

Robaire: It's all good.

Then I say this under my breath,

"I'll happily be your boyfriend though."

Jesse: What did you say Robaire?

Robaire: O-Oh, all I said was "Your food has gotten cold."

Z: Yea, Ty you should probably go and eat now.

Tyler: Oh yea. TALIA! Do you want to eat!?


Miriam: ME!


Robaire: She acts so much like her brother.

Talia: Tyler isn't a very good cook sadly. I once asked him to make ramen and he burnt it.

Mei: How the fuck do you burn ramen?

Tyler: I don't know! I think I forgot the water.

Priya: Tyler that's like the main ingredient to make ramen, well, ramen.

Talia: Mei!

Mei: Yeah?

Talia: You said the word fuck? So what does that mean?

Mei: Uh- well.

Z: Once you turn 8 years old. Then we'll tell you!

Talia: That's in like- 600 years!

Z: *shrugs* Just gotta wait then.

Talia: Awww. But I wanna know now!

Priya: Don't worry Talia. You'll be 8 before you know it!

Talia: Okay! Can I eat now!?

Abby: Of course you can! I'll get your food Talia!

Talia: Yayayay!

Talia walks into the kitchen and Abby helps her get her food.

Jesse: Z, why'd you say 8 that is still too young.

Z: I don't even think she'll remember it in 5 years!

Tae: Z has a point. When she's 8, she'll probably be wanting to watch My Little Pony.

Tyler: Please, she's probably going to want her own pony.

Unknown Voice: What the hell is going on here?


Sorry it's short, I'll try to make the next chapter longer.

Tyler x Aaron Z fanfic: I'm falling in love Where stories live. Discover now