Chapter Thrity-Five

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Aaron Z's POV:

So right now I'm sitting across from the band trying to figure out how to solve my problem.

"So your saying that people are shipping you with Tyler."

I look up at Jesse,

Z: Correct.

Tae: And you have to make a video or statement explaining that?

Z: Correct.

The room was filled with silence until it is replaced with T's laughter.

T: HAHAHA! Bruh ain't now way! Your going to make a fool of yourself!

Z: T..If you couldn't figure this out already I really need to find something to say. All of my social media posts are being spammed with comments like "Who's the curly haired boy?" Or it's "You gotta tell us about the fluffy hair boy!"

Robaire: Just tell them Tyler's name and say that you guys aren't dating.

Aaron Z: I can't just put Tyler's name up there on the open. I'm sure he's already getting harassed at school about the edits.

Jesse: Poor Tyler.

Robaire: Yea poor him. Everyone now thinks he's dating your goofy ass.

T: *laughing*  Facts!

I love the team to death, but right now they are annoying me so much.

Tae: Just leave it alone Z. They are eventually going to get bored of it. They'll move on.

Robaire: Noooo. I wanna see him make a fool of himself.

Z: Haha. Robaire you're sooo funny! If no one wants to actually help me, then I'm going to be upstairs in my room.

I walked up the stairs and into my room. I grab my phone and see the time is 12:58. Almost 1.

I go on insta and search up Aaron Z.
And all I see are videos of that clip of Tyler and I.

I mentally groan to myself, and then switch to my fake account.

And I go and like every single one of those edits.

Tyler's POV:

"Holy fuck nuggets!"

Is all I can say when I see Miriam finally able to hug Mei. Like lovey dovey hug Mei.

Tyler: Are you

Then I turn around and start dancing and wrapping my hands around my body with kissey noises.
*like what he did in the "Devon my precious manly man" scene.*

Miriam: Tyler stop being immature! And we like each other but we aren't putting a label.

Tyler: Bruh finally! Miriam you look at Mei like she's the only girl in the world!

Mei: Yea just like how Z looks at you.

I feel my cheeks and face heating ups

Tyler: Huh!? What do you mean?!

Miriam: Your saying you haven't seen the videos!?

Tyler: What video?

Miriam: Go to instagram and search up Aaron Z edits.

I pull out my phone and pull up instagram. I obey Miriam and search up what she requested. I click up the first few videos and I see just random edits of him. Then I wind up on a new video that has me in it. It was video? Like the ones you would see in those timer edits.

Tyler: Bruh. What is this?

Miriam: It's exactly what it looks like. People are shipping you with Z. Also know as your celebrity crush!

Tyler: I'm so confused how do they even have this clip anyways.

Mei: From the live dumbass! Where else?

Tyler: So people think that Z likes me? The Aaron Z could like someone like me? That's a joke.

Miriam: I mean everyone saw how he looked at you.

Tyler: I probably had food on my face.

Mei: He wish he could kiss your cheek and take the food with it.

Tyler: You guys are doing the most. It's eventually going to die down. Not a big deal.

Mei: I mean when you become famous remember me.

Tyler: Dude. I'm not going to be famous.
I say while walking into school, and just as I walk in the first thing I hear is,

"Are you dating Aaron Z?"

A/N: Soryy for the big gap between this and the last chapter😭😭 My Wifi was acting up.

Tyler x Aaron Z fanfic: I'm falling in love Where stories live. Discover now