Chapter Twenty

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Mei's POV:

Right when those words left my mouth, I clamped my hands over my mouth.
That's all I could think about.
Right when I started rebuilding my relationship with Tyler. I just go ahead and say this. I'm so fucked up right now.

Tyler: Mei you really don't know how or when to shut up.

Miriam: Tyler,it was an accident. Calm down.

Tyler: She really thinks she can just say some personal shit about me, and think I won't say something about it? Expects us to still be buddy-buddy?

Mei: I don't....

Tyler: Speak up.

When Tyler told me to speak up, that's what I did.

Mei: You want me to speak up? I'll speak up! Tyler you get mad at me for telling your secrets, but you bullied me in 8th grade!

Tyler: I've already told you my reasonings for the bullying. And that has nothing to do with this!

Mei: Tyler you have everything! That's why your reasoning for it is so stupid!

T: Wait so, Tyler bullied her?"8

Miriam: Us. But he targeted Mei.

Tyler: But I apologized and said my reasonings for the bullying! But she doesn't believe them!

Mei: I never said that.

Tyler: So is that what this is about?Because you don't think i'm sorry about the bullying!?

Tae: Well,bullying is serious.

Jesse: And you can't expect someone to forgive you just from an apology.

Tyler: Yea i know that!

Jesse: So why are you still getting i don't know....Defensive?

Tyler: Maybe it's because we've been friends for two years. Oh maybe! It's because she's personally told me to my face, that she forgives me! Or maybe it's just my bitch in personality that's making me so defensive!

Mei: Your reasoning for bullying me is so stupid though!

Tyler: I told you personally! That I bullied you cause I was jealous! I had no friends at the moment, so I was jealous of the relationship you had with them!

Mei: Tyler I only had three friends.

Tyler: That's three more then I had! I was also jealous of the relationship you had with your parents. My parents were still going on trips all the time, so I was jealous you got to be with yours all the time!

Mei: But you have and get everything you want!

Tyler: What do you not understand?!
I didn't have friends, and I didn't get attention from my parents. So i was jealous! Want me to spell it out?

Robaire: I don't think I've ever met someone who wants to point out their jealousy so badly.

T: Yea same.

Tyler: Do you have any more of my secrets to share? Come on. Don't be shy! You already tell my secrets to everyone, so go ahead say more!

I feel tears going down my cheeks, I tried so hard to hold it. It didn't work.

I fall down crying, and I hear Miriam trying to calm me down.

Z: Why don't you take her upstairs. So she can calm down.

Miriam: Yea that's probably the best.

Miriam helps me to my feet, and leads me upstairs. My eyesight is blurry due to crying, so i'm grateful Miriam is helping me.

Tyler's POV:

When Mei and Miriam go upstairs, all i can do is look at her. And while I'm doing that I can feel my throat closing in. I look down to the floor, and I can feel my cheeks getting wet.

Priya: Tyler are you okay?

All I can hear is my heart beating, and my shallow breaths.

"Tyler? Tyler!"

At this point I don't even know who is calling my name.

I feel someone holding on to me, and just hugging me. I'm trying to take deep breaths, but they all have the same outcome. I'm not getting enough air. I feel someone's hand rubbing my back, and its not helping me.

Aaron Z's POV:

So Tyler is currently having a panic attack, or is it anxiety? Anyways I don't think Tyler can breath. I'm hugging him right now, and I'm trying to reassure him it's going to be okay.

"I feel so bad."

I look down at the vulnerable voice below me.

Tyler: I'm such a bad friend! Mei has cried two times because of me!

Z: It's fine! Friends have arguments every now and then.

Tyler: But I still made her cry twice. That's two times too many!

I genuinely have no idea what to do in this situation.

Tae: Why'd we let Z comfort him?

Jesse: Yea, Z couldn't comfort someone if his life depended on it.

I hear chuckling from under me, and that's a good thing. I hope.

T: Hey Tyler! Have I've told you about the time I put toothpaste all over Z? Like we were coming back from tour, and Z fell asleep. So I have pictures of my little master plan!

Tyler looks up, and T is holding his phone out for Tyler to see.

T walk over to Tyler and shows him the pictures.

Tyler starts laughing at the pictures, and as much as I want to be annoyed at T for showing those pictures. The happiness I have from seeing Tyler smile overtakes that.  It's nice to see him have a genuine smile.

A/N: The next chapter is going to be like what Mei and Miriam would have been talking about.

I might stop uploading everyday because when I do I rush through the chapters, and I don't think they turn out that well. And I would rather and good chapters then badly made rushed chapters.

Tyler x Aaron Z fanfic: I'm falling in love Where stories live. Discover now