Chapter Twelve

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This chapter is inspired by a scene I saw in "Alexa and Katie"

Tyler's POV:

After 4*Town had to go back to Ottawa, life went back normal.

That new teacher we got, turns out the rumor was wrong. Thank goodness. He's just a really bad teacher, who forgets everything.

But, who am I to complain.

The girls and I have been practicing for the SAT's since they're coming up.

I've been studying like crazy. I think I have every single textbook memorized.


Tyler: Huh! W-what?!

Miriam: Bro, we've been calling your name for the past like 20 seconds.

Tyler: Sorry guys. I guess I'm just really stressed cause of these SAT's.

Priya: Tyler, you'll be fine. I've taken it before nothing to worry about.

Tyler: Yea, in like 8th grade. Your on the honor roll Priya, you too Mei.

Miriam: I know what's going to help!

Tyler: What?

Miriam: A rage room!

Tyler: Which is?

Abby: A room where you destroy things! FOR FUN!

Tyler: That does seem fun. I wanna do it!

Time skip:
(To the Rage Room)

I walk into the room, and I see is a bunch of objects. That I'm supposed to smash.

I get a hammer from the floor and just start crushing stuff.

Once I start, I don't stop. I keep crushing and breaking things. Untill there is nothing left to break. So I start throwing things. I feel so exhilarated from all of this energy. I didn't even know I had it in me to do this!

Rage rooms are my new happy place now!

(The SAT's)

Mei and I are walking to the room our SAT's are supposed to be at. The other girls got sent to a different room.

Mei: Bro I'm so excited to take the SAT's. Kind of nervous but still very excited!

Tyler: Y-yeah.

Mei's POV:

Tyler and I are the SAT's, which we came early too. More people start coming and going into the room.
I call out to Tyler,

"Tyler, let's go in. More people are coming."

No response.

I turn around and I see Tyler just staring into space.

Mei: Tyler, let's go!

Still no response.

I look back at Tyler and this time he's shaking.

Tyler's POV:

I hear someone calling out my name, but's it's all muffled. Like I'm underwater. I feel like I'm underwater, like I can't breath cause if I do my lungs will fill up with water.

I start walking towards the wall cause I need some kind of support to keep me from falling. I lean on the wall, and I eventually sit down.

Mei's POV:

Tyler is sitting on the wall, and I think he's having a panic attack. Or maybe it's an anxiety attack!

I crouch down to be leveled with him, and I hold his hand.

Mei: Tyler it's okay. It's okay! You'll be okay!

I hear him wheezing from underneath me.

Mei: It's okay Tyler. Just breath. Try to breath please.

Tyler is now crying, and I don't know what to do when someone cries!

Am I supposed to cry with you?!

Mei: Tyler, try to match my breathing okay?

Tyler just nods his head, but he still is holding onto my hand very tightly.

I breath deep breaths, and Tyler after some tries, does the same.

I have him breath in sync with me, until he is fully calmed down.

By the time this is over, some teacher has came asking us stuff like

"Are you still willing to take the SAT's, or do you want to do it another time?"

Tyler: Another time please.

By the time all these questions and stuff are over, Tyler's mom and dad are here.

Cam: Tyler, here let's go home. We can go and get ice cream on the way back.

Isaiah: Mei do you want to come too?

Mei: No thank you! I'm going to wait for the girls to finish their test.

Cam: That's fine Mei! We'll see you later!

Mei: Bye!

Tyler's POV:

"I never want to experience that again. I couldn't breathe, I just straight up felt like I was going to die."

That's what I told my parents when they asked, "Do you want to talk about it?"

Tyler x Aaron Z fanfic: I'm falling in love Where stories live. Discover now