Chapter Sixteen

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Tyler's POV:

"Stupid Mei, Stupid, Stupid Mei!" That's all I say while walking to my car. Well more like poutingly stomping like a toddler who got in trouble.

As much as I want to hate Mei, I still can't.
Mei has been my friend for 2 years. Since I was in 8th grade!

When I bullied her in middle school, she still allow me in to her friend group!

Just some part of me is telling me that she had a good reason for it.

But I eventually make it to the car.Right when I'm about to start my car, I remember I promised I would call Z after the hangout and since it was cut short. So, I'm  just gonna call him now.


I look up from hands and see that he answered like right away.

Tyler: Were you sleeping?

Z: Yea, how could you tell?

Tyler: Based of the times I've heard your after-sleep or nap thingy, your voice is usually deeper.

Z started laughing a bit at my comment,

Z: Ty, you can't talk! Your morning voice is like a grandpa!

I gasp at that dramatically, and clutch my heart with my hand.

Tyler: You wound me, now I'll never speak to anyone in a morning voice again.

Z gets off from his bed and comes back chewing gum.

Tyler: Bro, I want gum too!

Z: Didn't you just come from the mall.

Tyler: Ew. It was the worst hangout I think I've ever had!

Z: What happened?

Tyler: So I called Mei out for telling Robaire about my business and shit. And girlie decides to go and pull a Cassie and runs in the bathroom!

Z: Ain't no way!

Tyler: In all honesty I'm not even mad that Robaire knows, I'm mad that she told him with out asking for my permission.

Once I start telling Z about everything that's been going on today, I can't stop speaking. I just keep on ranting on and on about how my week went and eventually just how everything has been going one recently.

Like Z is such a good listener, and he isn't the type to judge you for everything you say.

Z: If it makes you feel better, Robaire also has a big mouth.

Tyler: Heh, seems like Mei and Robaire must be made for each other huh?

Z: Yea I guess.

Z: He always tell the reporter about our personal lives during interviews., but he keeps his so secretive. Like *sigh* it's make me so mad.

Tyler: At this point we should just go to my therapy sessions together and talk about how big mouthed our friends are!

I remark laughing.

Z laughs along before it's quiet again,

"So how are they?"

It took me a while to realize he was talking about the therepy.

Tyler: Oh! I mean they're good. Today is Friday, so I don't have any in Saturday or Sunday. I think my next appointment is on like Tuesday.

Z: Are they fun? Like do you enjoy them?

Tyler: Well, they aren't bad. It's basically just talking. Sometimes we play games. Oh! One time she brought her puppy and I got to play with her!
She was a little golden retriever! She was the cutest!

Z: Cuter then me?

I see him winking at me, while he said.
I playfully roll me eyes,

Tyler: Of course not. No one is cuter then you.

I wink back at him, but it looked more like an eye twitch but it's fine. Cause Z looked away!

Tyler: Your flustered! I made you blush!

Z: Shut up.

Tyler: That's one of my new big flexes. I made THE Aaron Z blush. Like that's something to add to my list of, "biggest fucking flexes!"

Z shakes his head at me, I think I know what I'm going to say at my next therapy session. I think I've found something, well someone who helps me relieve stress.

Tyler x Aaron Z fanfic: I'm falling in love Where stories live. Discover now