Chapter Fifteen

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Mei's POV:

I feel so bad, I ran into the bathroom when Tyler started yelling at me! I opened a stall door, and lock it behind me. I sit next to the toilet, just because I feel like puking.

All that's going through my head is, "I ruined my friendship for a boy."

Just for the boy to not even like me back!

I feel so exhausted, how can fate do me like this. I worked so hard, to get some sort of attention from him!

And I get some, but it cost me my friendship.


I hear someone calling my name, but I still just hide in the stall silently crying.

Then I hear knocking on the stall door.

"Mei, it's Miriam."

I hear the voice of my best friend since middle school. 

Mei: I don't wanna open the door.

I hear silence, but then I hear shuffling from under the stalls. I see Miriam full on army crawling, including getting her cloths and body dirty, under the stall and just to sit across from me.

Miriam: You'd think having to do that in gym every week, I'd have some practice doing it.

Even though I still want to be sad, Miriam can always make me feel happy in some sort of way.

Even when I'm at some of my lowest points, like when my mom and I had that argument back in middle school. Who was by my side? Miriam.

Or in middle school when everyone else was calling me a perv because of my Devon drawings. Who was by my side? Miriam!

Mei: Why are you here?

I say it so softly I'm surprised she heard it!

Miriam: What do you mean "why I'm here?"

Mei: Why do you want to still talk to me after what I did?

Miriam: Because we're best friends? Isn't that more then enough reason?

Mei: But I'm a friend who just betrayed her friend's trust for a boy! No good friend does that!

Miriam: Mei it's fine. All you have to do is explain to Tyler why you did it. And why you would never do it again!

Mei: It's not that easy, and we both know it! Tyler is so scary when he's mad, like he scares the shit out of me!

Miriam: Oh I know how he gets. He scares the shit out of  me too. But! Wanna know what your gonna have by your side the whole time?

Mei: Obviously not any sort of bravery!

Miriam: Maybe. But you'll have me! Because your never not on my mind, oh my, oh my.

I look up at Miriam, who is standing with her hand stretched outward, and leave it to her to make a 4*Town reference in the middle of this!

I take her hand, and stand up with her,

Mei: Im never not by your side, your side, your side.

Miriam's  POV:

Leave it to Nobody Like you to make Mei feel better.

Miriam: I'm never gonna let you cry, oh cry, don't cry!

Mei+Miriam: I'll never not be you ride or die alright!

This is song gives off some much memories from middle school.

Mei doesn't realize how much I love her. I will always love her, no matter what.

Tyler x Aaron Z fanfic: I'm falling in love Where stories live. Discover now