Chapter Nineteen

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Aaron Z's POV:

I put my dish down for Robaire to eat, and i already know he isn't going to be able to eat this all without puking.

Robaire: What the fuck is this!

Z: What do you mean?

I pretend to be confused, and Robaire was not having it.

Robaire: Mei, and Abby made Priya, Jesse, AND Miriam good food.

Z: Your point?

Robaire: So why am I eating dog shit!

Z: It isn't shit! It's sardines mixed with melted cheese, with some ketchup, and mashed chicken!

Robaire: I'm gonna fucking kill you!

Z: If you can finish that without puking, I'll let you do anything to me.

Damn. Now Robaire seems interested.

Robaire: Actually?

Z: Yea.

Tyler: Ooh I'd wanna see this.

T: Who wouldn't!

Robaire: Do I have to eat the whole thing?

Z: Stop being a wuss, and eat it!

Robaire: Why don't you try eating it!

Z: I would except....I didn't lose the contest!

Robaire: Your such a bitch bro!

T: Eat it..Eat it

Tyler+T: Eat it, eat it!

Everyone: Eat it! Eat it!

Then Robaire does what i'd NEVER expect him to do!

He basically breaths the food in! Like it's gone now!

We are all quiet for a little bit, then Robaire speaks up.

Robaire: That actually wasn't even that bad! I was expecting much worse!

Z: Robaire no need to be tough and all that stuff. We know it's gross.

Robaire: I actually kind of like it.

Z: Fuck it! Damn it!

Jesse: Uh- anyways! Let's watch the movie now?

Tae: No! I wanna gossip like last time.

Priya: I wanna repaint my nails.

Tae: Let's gossip over painting nails!

Robaire: I'm not painting my nails.

Z: Same.

Tyler: Oh my gosh!

Miriam: What?

Tyler: Z and Robaire's ACTUALLY agreed on something?

T: Don't get your hopes up, it's probably not gonna happen again.

Robaire: Ha, Ha, Ha. Got everyone laughing T.

T: Yea I know! I'm hilarious.

Tae: Guys I got the nail polish!

Mei: What color?

Tae: Only black.

Mei: No thank you. I don't like black nail polish.

Miriam: Oh yea same! I'll pass to!

Tae: Awh. So Tyler,T,Priya and I are the only ones doing it?!

Jesse: No! Tae I'll do it too!

Tae: Yay! Really?!

Jesse: Sure.

Tae: Yayayaya!

Tae opens up the polish and grabs Jesse's hand.

Mei: I heard that Jenner is only a top student cause she fucks the principal.

Tyler: Obviously. Have you've seen the girls' answers on test. The bitch is dumb as fuck.

Priya: Jayden cheated on Chloe again.

Abby: I'm not surprised.

T: Gross. Jayden seems like a dickwad.

Tyler: He is! He's also a perv, and sexualizes everyone he meets.

Tyler's POV:

We just keep on gossiping, and it's my turn to get my nails done. Tae finishes them,

Tyler: Damn, Tae your good at this. We should do this more often.

Abby: How much do you wanna bet that Jayden could somehow sexualize that?

Miriam: He probably would.

Mei: Heh, Tyler remember when Jayden SA'd you.

I look at this bitch like, "what the fuck?"
Cause when I had the argument with my parents. I thought something was about to explode. Now it actually exploded, and I think i'm about to go off.

Tyler x Aaron Z fanfic: I'm falling in love Where stories live. Discover now