Chapter 8: There's a space inside my mind (where I keep on missing you)

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Hello there... it's been a while :)

It's been over a month but here we are with a new chapter! It's prom time!

Maybe you're wondering what the hell happened with me? Well, every worst case scenario possible happened, I think was possibly my worst writing experience:

I was planning on posting this chapter on march 20-ish but well, shit happened, I went to Lollapalooza here in Argentina a few weeks ago (I saw Miley Cyrus for the first time!) and I'm still on that state of not really thinking about anything but that so it took a while to get back to writing, work is also leaving me exhausted, I had writer's block for the first time, I wasn't satisfied with how the chapter looked, scrapped several scenes, so yeah, a lot. I even said 'this weekend is the one' and I'm posting this the next weekend lol

But we're here and I hope it was worth the wait! Hopefully the final chapter won't take too long, I have big things planned for it, plus with this chapter I think you'll be... well you'll see ;)

This chapter is shorter than the last one, there's no way I'm beating that record anytime soon lol

Title from "Missing you" by The Vamps

Warning: Swearing, underage drinking and references to physical violence.


APRIL 2019

After the cabin everyone went their separate ways and spent the last 2 days they had all to themselves to just chill or actually sleep (since in the cabin most of the group would stay up till late just talking).

Ricky and EJ haven't spoke since that night, expected but also not that much since it looked like Ricky finally dealt with the fact that EJ is E, everyone knows, and weirdly enough no one tried to kill him (except maybe Nini)... that made no sense... EJ joined the group hug, Ricky yelled at him like it was normal, they looked fine... but they haven't talked since then.

The Ricky, Gina and EJ triangle: Gina is cold as ice towards EJ, expected, while with Ricky they're a bit awkward (for 10 seconds) but somehow better than ever.

Nini is getting back in the musical state of mind, still thinking of Steve though, boy had to leave but promised to be back for the summer camp which made everyone happy.

After the final night at the cabin, Big Red took some distance from Ricky in 'that' way but he's still very close to him to support after everything that went down.

Ashlyn got mad at EJ for almost ruining the vacation after the "Billion Sorrys" fiasco, and got texts from Gina updating her on what happened later that night.

While everyone was probably sleeping or doing a tv marathon, James and EJ spent the weekend talking about their respective breaks, mostly EJ since James had nothing 'worth telling', boy was 'shocked' when he found out about Ricky, and Carlos is the only one who knows how big of a deal Ricky's 'coming out' post was, curly boy has no idea what's coming.

Gossip Wildcat


And we're back! Spring break is over but don't worry, summer is just around the corner... everyone excited for the final chapter? Keep roaring wildcats!

PS: Yes, we're also excited to see Ricky!

If you would've told Ricky 6 months ago that he would become famous at school, he would just laugh. The moment he entered the school after spring break is a moment that he'll probably never forget... neither will EJ.

2: I hate you (I miss you)Where stories live. Discover now