Frozen over

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{|Author again! I've now just started another Stede and Ed fic where it's set in a cowboy AU so if that interests you, do check it out!! |}

A smile tugged on Blackbeard's lips as he sat up in bed and accepted the teacup from Stede, who's ruffled hair was framed in gold from the rising sun, matching the silk robe he was draped in.
"Beautiful," He breathed, admiring the fair headed man.
"Oh, nothing.."
"I put seven sugars in there, just how you like it" he perched on the edge of the bed next to Ed.
"Wouldn't be the same with six" they said in unison.
Ed chuckled and leaned towards him, running a finger over the other's newest scars, "You're looking like a proper pirate now," his gaze flicked up to the bruising he left on his neck and he smirked, "definitely a fully fledged pirate."
"Ah yes, I certainly have a challenge covering these. At least your scratches are easy to hide."
"Well if it upsets you so much you are welcome to mark me to get even," he tempted.
Stede considered it for a moment but was interrupted by Izzy entering the room.
"Jeez, have you not heard of knocking" Stede scoffed, wrapping his robe around himself.
Izzy looked between the two, noticing the faint shades of purple on one of their necks and the other who was naked except for the sheets that covered them from the waist down, and grimaced at what he had walked in on.

Ed's soft disposition had shifted as he gave his right hand a bored stare, "what could possibly be so important you had to come annoy me in here?"

"Well, Captain, I feel as though we have sat in one spot for too long. With so many navy's and pirates out to get us now, it's unwise to keep the ship somewhere for too long. I was hoping to ask you where we should sail next but it seems you have been too.... Distracted this morning"

Blackbeard glared daggers at the man, "That's it? That's what you felt was so important you needed to come and disturb my peace?" He scolded, "On the other hand, I have heard that Barbados is nice this time of year... chart a course for there."
Izzy nodded and promptly left the room before he had to look at the pair for any longer. Blackbeard slid out of bed and began readying himself for another wearying day of being a captain, Stede on the other hand was still sat mouth agape.
"Barbados?! What could you possibly want to do at my homeland?" He exclaimed.
"I dunno. Just thought it might be interesting to see where you came from. Your life of luxury. And this short detour will give us time to decide where to go next," The dark haired man's responses were curt, his new demeanour a stark change from the part of him he allowed Stede to see last night and this morning. It was like he was finally getting through to the Ed he knew but he was snatched from him once more when reality hit. Their time together feeling like nothing more than a pipe dream, like it never really happened. He approached Blackbeard, extending a hand but he slipped away beyond his fingertips and closed the door in his face, leaving him in an empty room.
Stede busied himself throughout the day with reading books on the world and learning bounties of knowledge. He spent most of the day alone except for when Lucius paid a visit and ruthlessly teased his captain when he caught sight of his hickeys, feigning offence at his friend sleeping with his attempted murderer. The rest of his crew still had not warmed up to him and were already being ordered around by Izzy and Blackbeard, leaving Stede with little else to do except wait for their trust in him to return.
He was also waiting for Blackbeard's return that evening, a pot of tea ready and brewed for them both but that tea would grow cold as he never entered the cabin. Eventually, he blew out the last candle and let the creaking and rocking of the boat soothe him to sleep that night, attempting to adjust to sleeping alone again. In Fang's quarters, Blackbeard fitfully slept in one of the spare beds as he struggled to make a similar adjustment but he couldn't return to his usual bed. He couldn't control himself around Stede, he was still internally a turmoil of emotions and the man only stirred the pot. Ed was fighting to come out when he was around him but Blackbeard was the stronger persona he needed at the moment as he had so many enemies. Now was not a time he could falter.

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