Plans forming

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The couple found a nearby tavern and bought a room for the night, barely even waiting for the bedroom door to close before they tore the clothes off each other, leaving them littered across the room. That night they declared their love in any and every way they could, their bodies the temples and they, the devoted worshipers.

When the dull hum of the street outside and the chirping of birds finally roused Stede from his slumber, he couldn't help the smile that formed as he observed Ed; the slope of his nose, the shadows his lashes cast on his cheekbones, the way his hair sprawled around him. His eyes drifted down to the collection of scars he had, grazing his fingers over them as he pondered the life Blackbeard had before him, what he felt before every slash or stab. Did he think it would be his killing blow? That he'd die and never live to feel love like he said?

A soft grumble detached him from his thoughts as he noticed Ed's eyes flutter open, taking a moment to focus on Stede before he pulled him in close and buried his face into his tousled blonde locks. Stede lingered in his arms for a moment before squirming out planting his feet on the cool ground, stretching as he stood.

"Let's go again," Ed mumbled, placing his hands on his hips as he pulled him back to the bed, "one more time can't hurt"

Stede gave him a pointed glance, "Not hurt you maybe," he retorted, rubbing his lower back, his legs still shaky from the things Blackbeard had done to him with lips, tongue and body.

"I'll be gentle, I promise"

He gave him another doubtful stare as he tried to pry his hands from his body, which only resulted in him being pulled closer, his back curving with sleepy laughter as Ed trailed feather-light kisses up his abdomen. He straightened his spine and tucked the long hair out of the other man's face before locking their lips in an adoring kiss.

"C'mon, we need to go back to the ship at some point," Stede reminded him.

Ed groaned and looked up at him with the same eyes as a puppy pleading for a bone, "Must we? Can't we just stay here, forever..." he let his torso slump forward, utterly crestfallen as Stede limped away to hunt for his missing clothes. Suddenly, an idea dawned on him and his mood instantly lifted, scrambling to lean on the end bedframe, "what if we didn't leave, though. I mean, everyone who knows you here thinks you're dead so if Hornigold or the navy came looking, that's all they'll find. It'll be like we're hiding right under their noses"

Stede began to shake his head but he paused as he truly processed the idea, the corners of his lips curling upwards, "And we can buy somewhere to live and lay low for a while"

His newly betrothed eagerly nodded, hopping from the bed to grab Stede's hands with a zealous glint in his dark irises, "yes, yes exactly. It's perfect. They'll never think that we would come back here."

"Sound's like we have ourselves a plan, Ed. Now put these on," He shoved his clothes into his chest.

Just as the two were leaving, they couldn't help but overhear the tavern owners in a heated argument and they managed to gather it was due to financial issues. Before Stede could stop Ed, he was marching up to them, asking the price that they were selling this place for. It was steep but maybe, just maybe, he and Ed could gather up the money


Back on the ship, the pair counted up every coin they had to their name, almost reaching the price of the property but still coming up short. Stede pursed his lips, thinking for a moment, before suddenly blurting out, "I'll sell the ship"

"But you love this thing," Ed replied.

"This ship has served me well but I love you more. I had my time at sea and fulfilled my appetite for adventure so it's time to give it up. We'll be able to start up a restaurant with the money and live comfortably"

Blackbeard gave him a sympathetic look before kissing his forehead and leaving the room to listen to Izzy's daily complaints.

Soon after Lucius crept into the room and perched on the edge of the desk Stede softly hummed at, crossing one leg over the other as he raised a knowing brow, "so.. how did it go with Blackbeard?" He drawled.

Stede modestly shook his head before replying, "it was.. nice"

"Nice? That's it? Nice? Captain, the man who tried to kill me while in the midst of the most melodramatic heartbreak I've ever seen is now on cloud fucking nine and all you have to say is that it was nice"

"Well, we danced and talked and.. stuff" Lucius snorted at his wording and Stede just shot him a glare before rubbing his neck, "andhemighthaveproposedtome" he mumbled.

"What was that?" His scribe questioned before he noticed the new ring on his finger and then his murmured words made sense.

"Ohmygod, he proposed?! I definitely was not expecting that," he exclaimed, genuine excitement in his voice, "I knew you two would patch things up. You were both fools but I'm glad you got there in the end, you both were so obviously head over heels for each other. I'm happy for you captain... So when's the wedding?"

"Ah, we can't. Weddings are between man and woman. Plus, I've had one before and they're overrated"

"Oh, I know that!" Lucius exasperatedly said as he hopped off the desk, "But that doesn't stop us from having some sort of celebration for you both. Things have been rocky on the ship as of late, no pun intended, so it could help raise morale again"

Stede pondered for a moment, "I suppose... But, we may be selling this ship to buy a tavern actually..."

"Ah. Well, even more reason to have a celebration then, one last hoorah"

"Yes, fine, we'll do it" He eventually gave in.

"Perfect! I'll organise it all" Satisfied with the outcome, he merrily slipped back out the room, already muttering ideas to himself.


Blackbeard's discussion with Izzy was going much less swimmingly, a vicious argument now brewing between them. Izzy made a less than kind remark about Stede and Blackbeard grabbed him by the shoulder and threw him against the wall, his lip curling into a snarl, "Don't you dare say that again. Or I'll cut off your balls as well as all your toes"

"See, you're so much better around me than when you're with him. He's turning you into some soft handed idiot but I bring out the pirate in you. The Blackbeard. I have never left your side in these years we've sailed together but Stede fucking Bonnet did. He is not good for you"

"You do not know what is fucking good for me. It doesn't matter anyway, we're selling the ship to settle down"

Izzy's lips parted in surprise, something breaking in him, rendering him such at a loss for words that he just walked away.

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