non, c'est mon vagin! the final part

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they died

for fuck sake you tried to come up with a goddamn buddha bitch pope benedict XVI of the roman catholic church, faggot, by the way you literally saw him yesterday getting his back blown out by saint george himself, by then, medusa had already come down and turned these faggots into hard fucking concrete. their in your basement now.

speaking of whatever the fuck i was speaking of, i witnessed, in the high heavens, Saint Matthew of the twelve disciples of jesus christ and Saint Clare of Assisi fucking it up in the all holy confessional chambers of the highest heaven. let me tell you they were into some freaky ass shit. miss clare had monsieur matthew fully bound to the all glorified chandelier of the quarters. shit i looked back and this bitch hung him by his fucking neck with a goddamn noose.

anyways back to my point, i blacked out and i saw apophis, god of chaos. he told me it was my destiny to fuck him.

i wake up now next to armin, fully deceased. you track down and stick his two legs and arm into your fucking vagina. it ate them up so good you let out such a high frequency moan, that it killed exactly half the population of kenya. your pussy woodchippered the fucking limbs and shot the chips out of your mouth straight on to armin's corpse. lovely dressing for the salad. you toss him and slurp every last red blood cell in his body. now you are the colossal sex titan.

you felt blue ballsed at the fact that you didn't mutilate armin enough for mere satisfaction. your blood lust intesifies tenfold.

using your new found titan powers, you resurrect eren, mikasa, yelena, pixis, levi and armin all inside a salt circle. now your disciples. in around nine minutes you write a one thousand nine hundred page holy book of the female menstrual swordsman and her disciples. scripturing events far to come in the future and far gone in the past. this book is to be worshipped by all of kenya and etc.

all six of your disciples now stand before you as an army. you have full consensual control over their genitalia so you of course slice all of them off, blend them, recite several verses from the bible, quran and torah before feeding your tigers the concoction. your new holy book is to be named the all holy exploits of her and her posse.

so anyways your the queen of kenya and they all bow to your feet, that's a lie, they bow to your vagina.

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