Steve imagine

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Steve and I have been together for a year now and we have been so happy and everything has been perfect. I'm on my way to tell Steve what I found out yesterday. I was feeling sick so I went to the doctors and I found out I'm two months pregnant. I'm excited but nervous and scared. I mean I'm only 17, being a teen parent is going to be hard especially not being married as well. I know I'm going to get criticized. I walked to the DX and saw Sodapop behind the counter. He smiled at me, we are good buddies. "Hey (Y/n) what's up?" I smiled lightly. I knew this wasn't going to end well. "Hey Soda, um where is Steve?" "Oh he's out back working under a car. Are you okay?" I shook my head. He would be the first to know the news. I sighed before speaking, "Soda...I'm pregnant." His face dropped. "Oh. Um congratulations." "Thank you, I don't know he's gonna handle it." "I don't know hopefully well." I nodded and lightly smiled as I walked out back. "Hey Steve." I said leaning against a tool box. He smiled rolling out from under the car.

"Hey babe. What's up?" He said getting up and wiping his hands off with a rag. "Just hanging out figured I'd come see you." He kissed me softly. I smiled. "What's on your mind babe?" I cleared my throat. "Well Steve...I don't know how to say this...but uh...I'm...I'm pregnant. I found out yesterday." His face dropped. "You're joking." I shook my head. "No Steve I wouldn't joke about this." He got angry. "What the hell were you thinking?! I can't be a parent this young!" He said throwing his hands up. "I'm sorry, me?! It takes two to make a baby you know!" I said raising my voice. "What are you gonna do?" "Well I'm obviously gonna keep 'em." "No." I raised my eye brows. "Excuse me?!" He got close to me and pointed his finger at me. "If you want to stay together then you're going to have to get an abortion." "Well then it looks like we're done." I started to walk away tearing up. He grabbed my wrist pulling me close. "You don't mean that." I ripped my wrist away.

"I'm not giving up on my child because their father is an asshole." I walked away not listening to his other insults. I walked out and to the Curtis house to talk my best friend Ponyboy. I know it's weird to have Pony as my best friend but he's a good kid and well he's more like a little brother to me than anything. Which Steve hated but oh well. "Hey (Y/n)!" He saw the tears going down my face and he stood up walking to me. "What's wrong?" "I'm pregnant and Steve and I broke up. I'm gonna be a single mom." Pony hugged me. I hugged him back. "We can help you." I shook my head pulling away. "No im going back home. I couldn't be a burden on your guys like that." "No it wouldn't be a burden I'll talk to Darry." He said looking for him I gently grabbed his arm. "Pony please don't." He sighed. "Are you really gonna go back home?" I nodded, "I don't have a choice Pony. Steve and I are done." "Cmon I'll help you pack." Pony said as we walked out of the house towards mine and Steve's place, well now Steve's place.
                              Steve's POV
I can't believe she's pregnant. I can't take care of her and a kid. I'm working all the time just to take care of her and I. I mean I know I'm to blame too. I just didn't think it would happen I mean I know we were so careful. Soda came out. "I heard about (Y/n)." He said walking to the tool box to get more tools to help me on this car. "Yea. Soda I can't be a father now. I mean I'm too young and don't have the money." He turned and leaned against the tool box and I leaned against the car. "I know Steve but ya know we could help you with like babysitting and stuff. While you guys are working. It would be hard but you'd be able to manage." "I don't know Soda." I said looking down. "Do you love her?" Soda asked me looking at me. I nodded and looked at him. "Of course I love her." "Then you guys can work this out." I nodded. "You know what you're right. After work I'll go talk to her. But we really need to get this car done." I said throwing my rag at him, he laughed lightly. "Yeah let's get a start." We started working on the car.
                         Regular POV
Pony walked me to the train station. I hugged Pony and he hugged me tight back. I said my goodbyes to the boys. "I'll keep in touch Pony I promise. I'll even send pictures of the baby." He pulled away. "We'll come visit when we can." I nodded and heard them calling for my train. Pony carried my stuff to the train for me. "Bye Pony." I gave him one last hug. "Thank you for being my best friend and like my little brother." I kissed his cheek in a friendly way of course. He nodded as tears started. I pulled away and got on my train and got to my seat. I saw Pony standing there looking sad. I waved at him as the train starting moving and he waved back till I was out of sight. I didn't want to leave but I had to. I'm going to go live with my mom, she's wont happy but she'll help me raise the baby. I rubbed my stomach as I thought about Steve the whole train ride.
                              Steve's POV
Sodapop and I were walking to his house like we always do after work. I was going to apologize to (Y/n) for today and tell her I loved her and we can work it all out. We got there and I was surprised to not see her there. She normally is here when I get here. "Hey guys." Everyone shot me a glare. "What? Where's (Y/n)?" "She left." Dallas said. "What do you mean she left?!" "She left town dumbass cause of you!" Ponyboy said from the couch glaring at me. "Are you sure?" I asked Pony, he's always been a smartass kid. "Yea I helped her pack." He said as he stood up. I walked up to him and grabbed him by the collar. "Why would you help her pack?! You should've made her stay!" I said getting close to his face until I felt someone pulling me back. "I tried! She wouldn't listen!" Ponyboy yelled. I looked and it was Darry pulling me back. "Easy buddy." I got out of his grip and went to my house. I opened the door and went to the bedroom. He wasn't kidding all her stuff was gone. It wasn't much but it's gone. She left behind my favorite picture of us, us at the car show with me kissing her cheek and her beautiful smile. I can't believe she left.
          Three years later and regular POV
I ended up having a little boy, I named him Maverick Lucas Randle. He looked just like Steve, minus his eye color he had my eye color, acts like Steve too. For a while it was hard to look at him and not be sad about me and Steve not working out, Maverick not having a father in his life. I was making Mav's favorite food for his birthday while my mom played with his toys with him. I heard a knock on the door. "I got it mom." I said walking by. I opened the door my eyes widened and my jaw dropped. It was Steve. "Hey (Y/n)." "Steve. What are you doing here?" I asked ushering him in. "I came to see you and the kid." "He's playing toys with my mom." "He? I have a son?" I nodded. "He's a good kid too. He's just like you in every way." Steve smiled. "What's his name?" "Maverick Lucas Randle." Steve smile widened. "I love it. C...can I see him? Please?" He asked nicely I nodded and lead him to were he was. My mom looked I me. "It's okay mom." She got up and went to the kitchen. "I'll leave you guys be."

Maverick looked at me and smiled. I love his little smile. "Mommy! Whose the guy?" I picked him up. "Mav, this is Steve Randle." He smiled "Hey my last name is Randle too! That's cool!" I smiled. "That's right honey." Steve smiled. "Hi buddy. It's nice to finally meet you." Steve's eyes light up. "Mommy he looks like me!" Maverick said examining Steve carefully. "Well Mav this is your dad." He looked at me then at Steve then back at me. "My daddy?" I nodded with a smile. "Yes." He smiled big and reached towards Steve. Steve picked him up and Maverick hugged him. "Finally got to meet my daddy!" Steve teared up and hugged him back. "I'm so happy to meet you little man." Maverick pulled away and asked to be put down. He started running around. "I met my daddy! Best birthday present ever!" He kept repeating with a smile. I couldn't help but laugh. "See he acts like you too. Wild kid." I said looking back at Mav before looking back at Steve. He was already looking at me. "(Y/N I'm so sorry for what I said. I should never have said what I did. Our son is so handsome. Will you come back with Maverick please?" He begged pulling me close.

"Steve I don't know I mean I have a good job here, it's a great place, it's quiet, no socs, no jumping someone." "Please. I've been a wreck without you. I need you. We can get our own place. Maybe you can transfer down there. The gang misses you, I miss you. Please." I sighed I didn't know what to say. I love it here for Maverick but I love it down there. The gang is there. Steve is there. I smiled and nodded. "Yes I'll move down there with Maverick." He pulled me closer and kissed me. "I love you (Y/n)." "I love you too Steve. Now let's go celebrate our sons birthday." He smiled and went right to Maverick scoping him up. I could tell this was going to be a happy family.

Hey! It for some reason deleted the imagine I just wrote so I have to write it again! Yes I know it's different then the original but I couldn't remember exactly so this will do! Have a great night!

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