Dallas Imagine

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For Gdayonedirection

I was walking home from the movies house by myself. I was walking with my head down. I ran into someone. "Oh gosh I'm so sorry." I looked up. I knew who he was. Then again everyone knows Dallas Winston. He's brown eyes looked into mine. "It's okay. I'm Dallas Winston." "I'm Abby."

We just stared in each others eyes for a minute or so. "Do you wanna go to the drive ins with me tonight?" Dallas asked. "Yeah I'd like that." He smiled. "We can meet here at 8." I nodded. "Good. See ya tonight Abby." "See ya." I ran home and got ready.

I already kinda liked Dallas so I was exited. I changed into blue jeans, a white t-shirt with a jean jacket and black converses. I hung around until 7:50 then I headed out the door. I got there and Dally wasn't there yet.

I waited a little while then he came running towards me. He stopped right in front of me. "Sorry I'm late. I had some trouble. C'mon lets go." We walked to the drive ins while talking and getting to know each other better. We snuck in the drive ins.

We found seats and sat there and watched the movie for a while. "Do you wanna Coke?" Dally asked. "Sure." I tried to give him some money but he wouldn't let you. A couple minutes after he left a guy sat next to you. "Um this seat is taken." "Don't care." "You will care when you find out who's there." "No one can scare me." The guy said. He started to flirt a bit. "Please just leave me alone." "Why?" "Because I don't wanna be bothered by you. I'm on a date." He put his hand on my knee. "Get your hand off her!"

I heard Dally say. He handed me both Cokes. He took his hand off. "Get away from her. She's mine not yours." I smiled. He ran away. Dally sat down in his seat. "Thank you Dally." "No problem doll." I handed him his Coke. I wondered if he actually meant that I was his.

I felt Dally put his arm around me. I had to ask. "Hey Dally did you mean that?" He looked at me. "Mean what?" "That I'm yours." "If you wanna be." I smiled. "Yes I would like to be." He smiled. After the movie was over we were walking. "Abby I know we just met today but I really think I love you." He put his arm around my waist. "I love you too Dal." He walked me home. He gave me a good night kiss before leaving.

I tried on this one. It's just been really hard for me. But I hope y'all are doing fine. ~V🐴⚾️🌅🐱

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