Johnny imagine

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Johnny and I have been best friends since we were kids and we both have abusive parents so we really bond over that. I was at the movies watching some new beach movie. It was something to get me away from my parents, I can't stand them. I hate the life I was born into with my parents. But the gang especially Johnny make it tolerable. As I got lost in my thoughts I felt a slight nudge on my arm. I look and saw Johnny. I smiled seeing him, "Hey Johnny cake." "Hey y/n. Getting away from your parents again?" He asked since it was a normal occurrence for me to go anywhere to get away from them. I nodded, "Yeah. I'm assuming the same with you." He nodded, "Of course. They never not hit me. All I have to do is breathe and I get hit." I knew the feeling all to well. I got closer to him. We talked some more about how our day went. Before I knew it the movie was over and we were walking back to the neighborhood sharing a cancer stick. We went to the park and sat on the swings gently swinging back and forth still talking about life.

I wish Johnny knew how much he means to me. Everytime I look into his puppy dog eyes I get lost. He's always so sad and I hate seeing him like that. We sat in the park for a while before getting up and heading to the Curtis's so we could both get some sleep in a quiet place. When we got there everyone was asleep so we were very quiet to get what we needed. Johnny started getting set up on the floor. "Johnny, what are you doing? You ain't sleeping on the floor." "I don't want you on the floor." I patted the couch next to me. He took off his jeans jacket and laid down on the couch as I went to go to the recliner. "Y/ you wanna lay with me?" I blush but nod and get up. Only the light above the stove is on. I gently lay on top of Johnny. He starts playing with my hair gently. "Do you ever think of the future?" He asked. "All the time." "What do you think about?" He asked me curiously.

"How one day I'm going to be a wayyyy better parent then mine are. How one day I wanna get married and have a good job and just a loving family...something I've never had before." He listened intently to me. "I wonder the same things." He admitted. "All I've ever wanted was a loving family." His voice cracked at the word family. I teared up thinking about my parents. We laid in silence before he broke it with a question. "Y/n...I know we have been best friends for a while but I wanna tell you that I really like you." I smiled. I kissed him gently. "I like you too Johnny." He chuckled, "I can tell. Can I have another kiss?" I giggled and kissed him again. After making out for a while we ended up doing...things then fell asleep both genuinely happy.

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