Two-Bit imagine

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I was walking home from the store by myself. I am a greaser, so that means life is harder. I'm walking to my boyfriend's house Keith Mathews or as the gang calls in "Two-Bit".We've been dating for 6 months now. I know it ain't long but it's been really good so far. I just went to the store to get some cigarettes. I heard the dreaded sound of a mustang and I rolled my eyes. I'm on my own side of town can't they just leave me alone? They started yelling at me calling me names and I just ignored them as I walked. They got out of their car and I started running and they tackled me down to the ground pinning me. I was trying to fight. I saw I was by the Curtis house so I started yelling for anyone.

After one held a blade to my neck they got up and ran. I saw the gang going after them as I sat up. The gang was fighting with them until the Socs got in and drove away. Two ran over to me, "Are you okay (Y/N)?" I nodded as he helped me up. "Yea I'm okay. Just don't get why they can't stay on their side of town. We leave them alone." Two put his arm around my shoulders. "I know I don't get it either." We stood and talked with the rest of the gang for a bit. Two-Bit and I were gonna head back to his house. He asked Pony and Johnny to give the car a push cause god forbid Two fixes the car or let's anyone fix it. So they gave the car a push and we headed to his house.

Once we finally got back we went in his house and his mom was there but getting ready for work. Two's little sister Brenda went running up to him and hugged him and he picked her up. She wanted Two to have a tea party with her and Mickey Mouse. I giggled knowing how much he loves his little sister. We said goodbye to his mom as she left and I went and had a tea party with her, Brenda and I get along good. I look at her as my little sister. Two eventually came and joined in too. We were all laughing and having fun, once everyone got happy I made dinner after some time and we finished the tea party and putting make up on Two (which was wayyy too fun)  and his sister went up to get ready for bed. She went to her bed so he went up and read her a story. I stood leaning on the door frame watching with a smile. Once she fell asleep he kissed her head and made sure she was covered up and we went to his room.

"She really loves you." I said smiling. He chuckled, "Yea. She's a good kid...I don't drink when she's here or even have alcohol in the house." I nodded and smiled knowing he's a heavy drinker but won't drink in front of her. "That's good." I stole some of his clothes and changed before getting ready for bed. He got ready too and we laid down. We had some very quiet fun before falling asleep.

I know this sucks but I really wanted to update! It's been busy today since it's my birthday! I hope everyone has a great day!

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