Dallas Imagine

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For maverickrolland

"Dallas, Echo, Johnny come in here boys." I called. "They are gonna love this Dally." He smiled. Our beautiful kids came in. Dallas is 10, Echo is 9, and Johnny is 8.

Then I have my boyfriend Dallas. "Boys, daddy and I have been saving up for a while." They looked at you confused. "We're going to Disney world!" They're smiles were so huge. "Thank you mommy and daddy!" They all said in unison. "Go pack!"

They all went and packed. Dally and I went and packed. "I'm so exited Dally. It's been forever since I went to Disney." I said smiling. "It's gonna be great sweetheart." Dally said. After everyone was done packing, Dally put the bags in the car. "C'mon guys get in the car." I got my boys in the car wind in their car seats. And buckled them in. (Did they have car seats back then??)

The kids were bouncing around in their seats, they couldn't stop talking. Dally got into the drivers seat and I got into the passenger seat. "Ready boys?" "Yes daddy!" They all said. "Ready Maverick?" "Yes Dal." He kissed me.

He put the car in drive and we were off. Dally had one hand on my knee the whole time. The boys were so happy. I heard a lot of "are we there yet?" The smiles never left the boy's faces. "Dal they're so pumped. It's so adorable." "Yea they're just like their father." "I figured that out already." He smirked. I smiled.

After a couple hours the kids fell asleep. I started to fall asleep. "Maverick you can sleep too. I got this. I've been planning this for a while." "Alright but when I wake up we'll switch so you can sleep." He nodded. I fell asleep.

When I woke up I looked around the car and no one was in it. I panicked a bit. I went inside the store and saw Dally sitting in a booth with the three boys. I felt a wave of relief.

I walked over. Dally looked up and saw me. "Hey baby. How did you sleep?" "Fine. So is this lunch?" "Yep. In about two hours will be at Disney." The boys looked at each other and smiled. I sat down next to Dally and shared some stuff with him being that I wasn't that hungry.

When we were done eating Dally took the guys to use the bathroom. When everyone was done y'all got back in the car. I buckled the boys in and got into the driver side. I buckled myself and Dally buckled. "Y'all ready?" "Yes mommy." The boys said in unison.

Dally put is hand on my knee again. I pulled out and started driving. "Mommy would you please put on the radio?" "Yes honey." I put the radio on. The boys started dancing in their seats. Dally and I laughed at the site.

We finally got there got into out hotel and unpacked. Over the next week we had a great time. The last day we were watching fireworks by Cinderella's castle. A lot of people were there.

I felt a tug on my shirt. I bent down to Johnny. "Yes Johnny?" "This fireworks are so pretty. Almost as pretty as you." "Aw thank you honey." I kissed his cheek. He kissed mine. "I love you mommy." "I love you too Johnny." I stood up. "Maverick?" Dally asked. "Yeah?" "I love you." "I love you too Dal." I looked back at the fireworks. "Maverick." I looked at him. "Yeah?" "We've been together for a long time now. And I've never felt like this about anyone before. I'm sorry for not doing this sooner."

He got down on one knee. "Dally." He took a ring out of his jean jacket. "Maverick I don't wanna be with anyone other then you. You and the boys are my life. The reason why I stay out of trouble. Maverick would you marry me?" I was so surprised. "Yes Dally of course."

He put the ring on my finger and stood up. People around us clapped. "I love you Dally." I hugged him. "I love you too baby." I pulled away and kissed him. "Good job daddy." The boys said. "Thanks guys." When the fireworks ended and we went back to the hotel. Then the next morning we went home.

When we finally got back we went and saw the gang. They were so happy. I couldn't wait until the day you married the love of my life. Dallas Winston.

I feel terrible about me taking so long to post this. My internet is screwing up on us. I hope you liked this. ~V🐴⚾️🌅

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