~ M͟r͟. L͟o͟v͟e͟r͟m͟a͟n͟ ~

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*cought* *cought* Angst *cought*

Swearing, execution, dry blood, hospital, bruises, crying


No one's POV

Today was the day Wilbur Soot Minecraft and/or Alexis Quackity Dude got executed. People found out that they were dating, secretly. And that they ended up breaking dream out of prison and almost killing a guard inside the prison, lying to the people. For a punishment the people decided to kill one of them. Which one they found guilty of course. Slimecicle went up on the little stage they made for the execution. "Slimecicle please tell us your thoughts." Sam said not daring to look his son in the eyes (quackity). "I..find them innocent." He said looking at the ground. "Why so?" Sam asked standing next to him while quackity was tied to one poll and wilbur to another. "Well..Quackity is innocent because he is my best friend and never meant that..They just wanted to help the minors to a safe place to grow up not to go to war.-"

Blah blah whatever idk what to write.

"Alright. Alexis Quackity Dude is..." Sam said, while Wilbur and Quackity looked worriedly at each other. Sam unfolded the paper clearly worried and tensed. He sighted sounded relieved "Innocent.." he continued. Both quackity, wilbur and sam were relieved. "Wilbur Soot Minecraft is.." He unfolded another paper quackity looked worriedly at wilbur while wilbur gave him a smile of: it's going to be okay.

"...guilty." Quackity had tears in his eyes already. "Hey it's okay my love.." Wilbur whispered to quackity, giving him a small smile. "No it's not okay..I'll lose you.." Quackity said to Wilbur while sam got his sword out. Quackity tried to get himself off the poll, his wrists were bloody by now "Quaclity, darling, stop, your wrists-" Wilbur was cut off by a sword put right infront of his face. "NO NO NO SAM STOP" Quackity cried out, basically looking at Sam. Sam didn't dare to look at his son..This person right in front of him had done so many wrong things..he is a bad person but his son loved that bad person, his son believed he changed..he made his son happy again, he treated his son amazingly. HE gave him love, care, he was there for him at bad and good times..that was what sam had asked from Schlatt, from sapnap and karl..each of them left him when he was at his lowest or was in trouble or they just forgot him, wilbur didn't. He is risking his life to be with his son..But again..the people want them dead..The people or his son..which one should he choose..He went to Wilbur's chest and reopened his cut, Phil gave him, of course not too deep he is still thinking about this.He is supposed to KILL Wilbur.

The people.

Quackitys chaines were giving through his skin, leaving blood, bruises on his wrists. Quackoty looked with his crying eyes into the crowd seeing tommy and the other 'minors' wide eyed and frozen. They aren't supposed to see this scenario. They are too young. "SAMMY PLEASE" quackity yelled. Sam's eyes widened. Quackity hadn't called him that since he was a teen. Sammy was the name Quackity gave him as a child.

Wilbur was crying, yes, but still accepted this. If he was gonna die, than okay. He was looking at quackity, he hated to see quackity so..broken. crying, screaming. He hated it. But there was not much he could do. Sam didn't stab him, why? He thought.

Quackity was pissed off. He won't let it end like this. No. No. No.. Sam dropped his sword. He is not killing this man. He is the reason why his son is happy. There is no was he will just end his son's happiness. Meanwhile Quackity broke his chains. He ran to Wilbur. "Q-quackity..?" Wilbur whispered, his vision was blurry, his eyes felt heavy. "Yes its me! Please just stay awake Mi Amor!" Quackity broke Wilburs chaines and helt him in his arms. "I feel sleepy love.." Wilbur whispered closing his eyes slowly. "No stay awake! I'm not letting you die!" Quackity shook Wilbur and wilbur slowly opened his eyes. Sam kneeled infront of them. Slime was hugging big q from his side, confused. "Let me-" Sam began as his son looked at his with crying eyes and full of sadness and anger. "NO! STAY AWAY FROM HIM" He yelled pulling wilbur closer to him. "Darling I'm very..sleepy.." Wilbur said closing his eyes. "No..Wilbur please..!" Quackity put his hand in wilburs hair pulling him closer. Wilbur was still breathing that a good sign. "My son let me help he may die from blood loss.." sam felt guilt and sadness even anger. He was pissed at him self for reopening the cut. Quackity felt hands wrapped around his other arm. He looked, It was tommy. "Please..Let him help.." Tommy whispered, crying his eyes out and hugging quackity's arm. Quackity sighted and released the grip on Wilbur  a little. Sam called bad, niki and puffy. They took wilbur to the 'hospital'. Quackity wouldn't let them take Wilbur if he wasnt going with them. They let him of course. Tommy was still crying, trying to cover it. They didn't let tommy or quackity in the room with wilbur. Tommy was sitting on a chair while quackity was walking up and down refusing to get help with his cuts and bruises till he knows wilbur is okay, till he sees wilbur. "They c-could get infected..y-you know.." tommy said trying his best not to stutter. "I don't care..I just want to see him. To hear his annoying voice, to-..God!" Quackity stopped walking and started crying more. Tommy didn't know what to do. Sam walked in. "Son..-" he began. "SHUT UP." Quackity yelled till he realized tommy was still in the room and went to tommy kneeling infront of the crying child. "I'm sorry. I don't like arguing either." He said trying to smile. He still cared for Tommy. "Its fine. I'm going to tubbo.." He said getting up, hugging big q and leaving. "Alexis please.." Sam said walking closer to Quackity. "Don't call me that." Quackity said with tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry." Quackity looked at sam crying and pissed. "Sorry? Sorry isn't gonna help him make it!" Quackity yelled. "I know..Alexis I'm sorry I reopened his cut I didnt want to hurt him because he gave you happiness and treated you amazing..not like other you dated.." Sam said putting his hands on His sons shoulders, who was looking at the floor with teary eyes. "Why would you r-reopen I-it..?" He asked. Sam looked away. "I dont know..I'm sorry.." he hugged his son who didnt hug back, Sam sighed. As he was going to let go quackity pulled him back and hugged him. "I'm still mad.." he whispered, crying. "That's alright..you have every right to be." Sam had tears in his eyes. He wanted to fix this. He wanted to ask about his bruises and cuts from fighting. He needed to bandage them so they wont get infected. His son then fell asleep, he realized and sat down on a chair with his son in his lap..

Hour later

Ponk sprinted down the hall. As soon as he heard what happened he needed to get to his son. Well step-son, Was he his step-son? Since sam and his...fight. He didn't care, honestly he just needed to be with him. He opened a door to a hallway and saw sam with a sleeping quackity in his arms. "What-!" Ponk quiet down since he realized quackity was sleeping. He sighted "what the hell..hes all bruised and cut!" He  whispered. "He didn't want them bandaged till he got to see wilbur." Sam replied looking at his sleeping son. "They can get in-" ponk was cut off by sam. "We told him he just didn't care." Sam continued. "Whatever." Ponk said. He kneeled down infront of the creeper and the duck, he put his hand on the ducks cheek, rupping it slightly. His expression changed into a loving, caring and worried one. Sam's heart raced. He saw ponks supposed to be cut off hand, had a..robot hand? Maybe it was Callahan.. Sam thought. Sam wanted to apologize. He regretted doing that. He loved Ponk so much to let him go."Ponk-" sam was cut off by ponk "Not here Sam.." sam sighed Ponk didnt look at sam he just kept his eyes on the sleeping duck.

The door of wilburs room opened. Niki stepped outside, puffy behind her. Ponk got up looking at the two. "Well...he is..fine. We have to keep an eye on him tho." Niki said. "Thank God.." Sam said under his breath. His mask was off. "Quackitys cuts may get infected.." Puffy said walking to Quackity and kneeling down. "He didnt want them covered till he saw Wilbur was okay..." Niki said to puffy, as puffy looked at the cuts and bruises, dry blood. "Alright.." as puffy got up Quackitys eyes opened slowly. He stood up from his fathers arms, rupping his red eyes. "Alexis!" Ponk said and went to hug quackity. Quackity hugged back not saying a3word and looked at niki with a worried expression. Niki smiled and nodded. Quackity exhaled, relieved. They let go of the hug as the girls leave and sam stood up. "We should go Alexis." Sam said to his son. "No..I'll wait till he wakes up." Quackity said looking at the sleeping wilbur through the window. "Alex your cuts may seriously get infected that's not a god thing!" Ponk said standing besides His step son. "I know. I'm not leaving tho." Alex said as both, sam and ponk, exhaled. 20 minutes of walking up and down and looking at his sleeping boyfriend, admiring him. He saw him move.

He wen inside wilburs room, excited to see his boyfriend. Wilbur sat up rubbing his eyes. Then he groaned. Quackity quickly went to him and played him back down by his shoulder. "Stay laying down love.." quackoty said looking at his boyfriend. Wilbur looked at quackoty scared and happy to see the shorter. He smiled. "Darling.." he put his hands up, clearly wanting affection and attention from the shorter, even the shorter himself. The shorter sat in a chair next to wilburs bed and kissed his cheek, smiling. Wilbur realized the cuts and bruises on quackitys arms, face maybe somewhere else too. Why didn't he get them bandaged..? Wilbur thought. "Love your cut will get infected.." wilbur said quite surprised they weren't infected by now. "I..know i didn't wanna get them bandaged and leave you alone..love" wilbur chuckled. "I would have been fine.."wilbur said and reached for a bag besides his bed. Quackity immediately layed him back down. "No, idiot!" Quackity said clearly worried for the taller. Wilbur sat back up, opened the bag and got some cleaning alcohol, bandages and cream from the bag. "I'm fine. Now sit down next to me.." Wilbur said. Quackity obeyed. "Your hand love?" Wilbur put his hand out. "Wilbur you-" quackity was cut off by wilbur asking again "please?" He said. Quackity sighted and gave him his hand. "Thank you.." the taller said. "He got the cuts clean, put the cream on and bandaged them. "There you go my dear.." he said kissing quackitys forehead. "Mi Amor..you didnt have to.." quackity said holding wilburs hand. "I didn't have to but i did..now come cuddle with me." He said laying back and pulling quackity down with him. "Yes my love." Quackity said cuddling up to wilbur being careful on his chest. They both fell asleep.

Listen listen it was supposed to be diffrent but I'm bad at writing angst and I dont have the heart to do a sad ending soooooo
This story was supposed to be longer but isnt
Also this is the most words ever in a book that I have done

2024 words

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