♡ My brother..help me? ♡

876 19 16

Mention of: Drugs, Cannibalism, boner, threats, murder, brothers


Tommy turned back to looking at the city spotting new things. "Wilbur! Wilbur, look!" Tommy grasped onto Wilbur's arm "What are you building there Big Q?" Tommy pointed at some new area that workers were clearing. Tommy waited for an answer, patiently. "Uhm..I was thinking arcade or a pool park. Which one would you like? I'll make it." Quackity hit Wilbur's shoulder as he walked next to Tommy, pushing him back and putting his hand on Tommy's shoulder as he talked. "Really?! I get to choose?" Tommy looked at Big Q in disbelief, making sure he heard it right. "Yes." Quackity threw him a friendly smile as Wilbur rolled his eyes. "Uhm..It's getting hot..Please make a pool park! Wait but an arcade would be fun too.." Tommy paused and looked at the ground then at Quackity. "Can you give me time to think about it?" Tommy asked Quackity, his voice changing from excited, to worried. "Yes, of course. Just tell me when you make up your mind" Quackity let his hand fall to his side again as Tommy nodded with a smile. "Can I choose?" Wilbur said standing next to Quackity with hands in his pockets. "No," Quackity answered within a second. "So unfair, big Q.." Wilbur returned his gaze to the city. "I'm glad, now leave." Wilbur let out an irritated sigh. "Hm..Fine. I need to make my van anyways, I'll see you tomorrow~" He smiled at Quackity before tapping on Tommy's shoulder signing they were leaving. "Van? You're not making another 'unfinished symphony' are you?" Quackity asked Wilbur. Wilbur stopped in his tracks and immediately said 'No' through grinned teeth. He loved Quackity, don't get him wrong. It's just that he never was planning to start a new nation again. He calmed himself down with a sigh. "If you'll excuse us, my dear." He walked past quackity grinning at him as they left. He heard Quackity mutter under his breath but paid no mind to it. "Isn't Las Nevadas amazing, Will?" Tommy asked throwing one last glance at the city. "Hm..yes, I would say so. Tho, don't let Quackity fool you, Tommy" Wilbur said taking a cigarette out of his pocket. "Fool me? What are you talking about? I'm just fine thank you, unlike your lungs as I see.."

Tommy glared at Wilbur as he lit his cigarette. "How funny you are, gremlin. I've truly missed you." He smirked as he ruffled the fluffy blonde hair. "Whatever." Said Tommy as he tried fixing his hair till it was ruffled again. He let out a groan. "Stop that!" He yelled. "Nope," Wilbur replied as he exhaled the smoke out of his lungs, straight at the young boy, just to irritate him. Tommy coughed a couple of times. "If you smoke, doesn't mean I wanna smoke, asshole" He coughed in his sentence at least three times. Wilbur laughed and left the poor boy alone.

Wilbur was in the opening of a river separating him and the ground of Las Nevadas. He has decided to be as close as he can so he was building a..House? I guess you could call it that. He said Goodbye to Tommy a while ago. He started making his van but halfway through he got the idea to make a BURGER van. I mean the last one was full of drugs..But that shit is expensive nowadays. "Wilbur." He heard a stern voice say as he turned in that direction, startled. It was across the lake that stood the short duck. "What are you doing?" The short asked with arms crossed. "Building my van." The taller answered honestly. "Well..build it somewhere else. You're too close." 'Oh, I'll be closer soon enough' "I don't understand Big q. I'm not on your property am I?" He smirked at Quackitys annoyed face. "Right. Just make sure not to be trouble, yeah?" Quackity uncrossed his arms and glared at Wilbur. "Or something unfortunate may happen to you and that stupid van." He let out a simple threat. But the look he gave Wilbur, that poker face, send shivers down his spine. "Hm..I'll think about it." Wilbur thought for a moment. "You still didn't answer me." He looked back at Quackity. "Answer you?" Quackity shot a confused stare at the taller. "On what?" The taller made his way across the thin river and straightened his posture. "Did you miss me?" His voice was quiet as his breath hit quackity. "If I'm honest Wilbur. I don't think about you. Not one second of my day." 'Ouch,' He stepped closer as he stared at Wilbur's eyes. "In fact when I hear your name it makes me gag, it makes me want to murder you, choke you till you drop," 'Please, do it'  "make scars on your body so you ALWAYS remember me." 'I need your marking.'  Quackity's breath was hot against Wilbur's skin. He didn't mind it, it kinda turned him on. The way quackity talked do him in such a low threatening whisper. Eyes looking at him, threatening him. But he wasn't scared, how could he be? Beautiful eyes looking at HIM. He leaned closer, noses almost touching. "The last thing you are doing is intimidating me, darling." Quackity stared at him in confusion as he backed away. Looking Wilbur up and down. "Just leave me alone." 'That's the last thing I'll do.' "I'll think about it" He smiled at the other. "Whatever." He turned and left. Wilbur may have thrown a couple of glances at his ass but what's for him to know. "Shit.." He said to himself, sighting.

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