What Lies Quackity Hears Each Day

900 18 37

Tw: force, SA, possibly rape, schlattiky, tnt duo, menburg arc, cannibalism, blood, cuts/bruises, sex/mentions of sex, weapons, yelling, swear words, dirty thoughts, boners, blow jobs/hand jobs, possible dick warming, mention death/war, toxic relationship.

Extreme smut and angst. Maybe fluff.

Very detailed, at least I think it is.


"Quackity," Schlatt said in a stern voice. "We did it." He chuckled. "We did it! We exiled Wilbur Soot and Tommyinnit!" He laughed, the laugh becoming louder and louder. "Yeah! What do we..do now?" Quackity asked as he rubbed the back of his head. "We built. We built, Quackity." He said as he stopped laughing and made eye contact. "We make manburg the capital of the world. We built it up till there is no land or more countries!" He laughed as he put his hands on his knees. Quackity laughed awkwardly. Schlatt straightened up as his laugh died down. He's got the precious most beautiful duck right by his side. Under his thumb. Under his control. He loved it. Every second. He grabbed his beer bottle as he chuckled at the memories. The memories of him and his pumpkin. His pumpkin is all hot and sweaty under him, being a real slut. Whining and crying, scared even. It was beautiful. He got hard at the thought. He took a swing, falling back onto his couch. "Get me a sandwich, I'm hungry," he demanded at the duck. Quackity nodded and went straight to the kitchen mumbling a little 'yes sir'.

He made the sandwich and put it in front of Schlatt. Schlatt put his empty beer bottle on the table and demanded another one. "That's all you're useful for anyways. Just work and sex." He chuckled and rolled his eyes. Quackity had tears in his eyes as he nodded and headed to the fridge. He loved Schlatt for a couple of months and now, did he? Before they put their votes as one, he was completely different. Caressing Quackity and kissing him softly. Making promises to love him forever and be by his side, praising him, anything he could ask for. But now..it changed, a lot. He got a cold beer out of the fridge as he closed it and headed back. Opening it and tossing it to Schlatt who took it, forcefully. "Took you long enough." He groaned. "Go get a vest on," Schlatt said, smirking and leaning into his chair. Quackity nodded slowly and headed to their shared bedroom. That sentence is usually meant for Quackity to get naked with a vest on and wait for Schlatt. So Quackity did as told and sat in bed waiting. Soon enough the door opened, revealing Schlatt with a beer bottle in hand. He walked over and put it to the side taking Quackity to sit in his lap, facing him. He made a disgusted face. "Put them away. Now." He said as he looked at his wings, which were damaged by schlatt, he usually pulled on them and scratched them, trying to get them off or he was just upset. Quackity probably deserved it. That's what always happened. Quackity angers Schlatt by being a bad husband and Schlatt teaches him a lesson using his wings or body, or just words when he's about to pass out. Quackity quickly put them away. Not wanting to get hurt. "Good. Not let's take this off." Schlatt took off the vest

---Starts here---

and made quackity grind on him. "Hm~ Baby~ go faster!" He slapped Quackity's ass, as Quackity winced and went faster. He then brought Quackity to his knees. Quackity knew what to do so he unbuckled the belt and took the cock in his hand. He pushed the cock into his mouth all the way, immediately. Even getting pushed down by Schlatt too. It was like that all the time. Rough and painful. He knew his jaw will hurt afterward. He kept sucking Schlatt off. Licking his veins too. Schlatt groaned as Quackity gagged. "Agh~ Fuck~!" He moaned out as he pushed Quakcitys crying head down. "So beautiful~ Aren't you, flatty patty~" he came in Quackitys mouth making him swallow it all. He then slapped Quackity and went to bed. Not bothering pleasuring Him.

---Stop's here---

Quackity got dressed and went out, for a walk. He was tip-toeing everywhere. Being as quiet as possible. He left and walked around. Looking at the ground, crying, he pumped into someone. He fell straight down onto his ass. "S-sorry.." he said holding his head. He looked to see a hand being held out to him. "It's alright." Said an...American accent. He took the hand and got up. The figure had a black hoodie on with black jeans. "Thanks.." he said wiping a tear from his cheek. The hoodie covered the guy's face. But he was a brunette and pretty..tall. much to Quackitys luck. "No problem, dear friend." A strong British voice said as the hoodie hat went down. There stood..Wilbur fucking Soot. Inside of manburg. Was he crazy!? "Wilbur?" Quackity asked in a confused and surprised tone. "Hello." He spoke again, smirking. "What are.. you wearing?" Wilbur finally took notice of it. It was an oversized sweater and not visible shorts, with no shoes, since he forgot them. "Uhm..don't mind that," Quackiry spoke. He did have a couple of bruises and scratch marks on him. "I shouldn't care but..you alright?" Wilbur's voice seems genuine. "Yes," Quackity answered immediately, he was always okay. He felt a hand on his cheek, caressing under his eye. His face was quite visible because of the street lights. "You're all red. What happened? A fight with your husband, perhaps?" Wilbur asked. Eyes went scanned his body, stopping at the marks and bruises. "What? So you can use it against me?" Quakity asked in an irritated tone. "No..I just..wanna see if I can.." he stopped as he sighted. "Help." He finished his sentence. "Well I'm completely fine, thank you" he lied. He moved away from the soft, gentle hand. "Alex..I know you too well. You never acted like this. You were always an extrovert. Very funny and open-minded." He complimented. "Things change, people change." He said to Wilbur. Not daring to make eye contact. "Or maybe..someone changed you?" He asked. His voice grew bitter at the thought. His brows furrowed. It took Quackity some time to answer. "No.." He replied hesitantly. Wilbur looked at Quackity. "I'll always be available, big Q." He said as he turned and walked away. Not letting Quackity say anything else. Quackity sighted. He headed home.

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