¤ coming back from limbo ¤

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'You're worthless' he spoke ever so quietly. Looking at the person he once knew like the back of his hand. "You let him die" he gritted through his teeth. His eyebrows frowning at every word he has spoken. Not in confusion but anger, pure anger. There was nothing more to feel but anger. He was dead. Gone, forever. No love from another person could fix him and the voice grew louder with every word. Making his ears ring. The voice was so irritating he wondered how quackity fell in love with it. "Nothing but a weakling" the voice continued. His head hurt from the voice. How could people say he had a talent for singing? They were lying. Lying. He looked deep into the eyes of this person, hating everything he saw. "Fuck you..fuck you. You are useless and ugly and.." He wanted the voice to shut up, and tell them it wasn't true. But it was. Everything the voice said was right, at least in his head. "Leave me alone.." he spoke. "No, you deserve this!" The voice spoke even louder than before. "You deserve it! Go and cut your stupid skin! You rotting dead zombie! You don't deserve this life!" The voice spoke every word louder than the other till it became a high pitch. His breathing sped up, the atmosphere got heavier. His ears bleeding from the voice. Oh, how he hated it. He hated it, he wanted to kill it. Just find the person who was saying this and kill them..Kill them. Suddenly the mirror broke. His fist in the broken mirror. 'Wake up..' He heard a different voice say. 'I'm bringing you back..' the voice got a little louder as Wilbur's eyes widened. His crying slowed down. His breathing only got worse. His fist didn't move from the mirror no matter how much it stung from the broken mirror pieces. Blood dripped down to nothingness. 'Wake up. I need you.. we can be so powerful together..' The mirror and himself started fading away. The train station started fading away. And it all came back in a second. There was a strong blow and light as he shut his eyes tightly. A train was heard. His body shivered at the cold wind blowing on him, his hair and trench coat which was flapping to the right. After a couple of seconds, it stopped. The strong wind stopped, and the trash that was lifted was heard dropping to the ground. His breathing slowed, tears stopped. He looked down. A yellow sweater with blue..blood? A trench coat. Gloves revealed the fingertips and black jeans. He saw he had his round glasses on. He heard the train doors open. 'Come on, Wilbur. I don't have all day or do you want to stay here?' The voice spoke like poison. It wasn't his beloved. It was another voice he recognized. The voice that began it all. He turned around. A tall figure but not as tall as him stood at the train doors. Green hoodie on. A belt full of potions and weapons. The enchanted netherite sword shined. He remembered who he was. He was a terrorist. A guy who worked hard for his nation just to blow it up in a second. A guy who couldn't admit his feeling so instead he tried blocking them out with the help of a woman.

The green figure with dirty blonde hair held out his hand, with leather gloves that revealed the fingertips. His other hand was on his sword. His white mask with a smiley face on his head. Doing a great job not showing his face. Tho it was a little cracked. Wilbur raised his hand and put it on the leather one. A guy who had grey skin and white eyes, no pupils, stepped out of the train. He had a flower crown on his brown hair. His white shoes, and yellow sweater with the same cut as Wilbur, but his cut had blue flowers on it. On his clothes was blue blood. He sadly looked at Wilbur as he stepped off the train. Wilbur didn't know where the boy came from but he was in the train station now. Wilbur got on the train as Dream disappeared. There was a screen above the seats, almost at the ceiling. It read; 'Welcome back :)' the train was moving at a fast speed. Suddenly his eyelids got heavier. He closed them for a second as the pain went all over his body. Making him fall to his knees. He opened his eyes again, breathing heavily. The train doors opened. He got up and stepped out from the metal and onto the grass. What happened? Where was the hospital? Where was his beloved? The train disappeared.

He was walking around a forest when he spot a glimpse of blonde hair. He walked to the boy who had his back turned. The boy turned around sharply at the noise Wilbur was making while walking. Wilbur stopped mid-walk and smiled. The boy was a tall blonde with blue eyes. Braces on his teeth with scars on his face. One scar was covered with a bandage on his nose. He had a red and white shirt on with baggy light brown pants, that had a lot of pockets. He was wearing red Converses. He had a green scarf around his neck. "W-Wilbur..?" The boy spoke ever so lightly, almost in a whisper. "I'm alive! I'm back!" Wilbur yelled as he threw his arms in the air. "I'M alive, Tommy! Didn't you miss me?" Wilbur spoke as he laughed in the middle of his sentence showing he was happy to be here. "I'm here." He laughed, it seemed evil. "I'm seeing other people! Hearing them! Talking to them! And they aren't some voice in my head!" He looked crazy. Maybe he was, who knew? He put his hands on Tommy's shoulders, shaking the boy. Wilbur chuckled as he saw Tommy's confused and scared glare. He pulled Tommy into a hug. After a while of hugging him, he spoke up. "I'm alive.." He spoke in such a sweet voice, with a smile on his face as he released Tommy from his grip. "Where. Is. My. Beloved." His voice completely switched. Which sends shivers down Tommy's spine. "Your..beloved?" He spoke. "What the fuck do you mean, man?" He continued not giving Wilbur time to answer. "You mean Sally? That fish is long gone, Wilby!" He looked at Wilbur with a judging look. "But really who would fuck a fish!? A salmon! Come on Will." He stopped talking when Wilbur put his hand on his mouth. Memories of Sally going through his mind. She was half salmon, half human. She had a green tail, that reflected rainbow lights on her scales. She was a dark ginger with curly hair. She had beautiful green eyes, with such an innocent face that Wilbur wanted to crush her with his bare hands. He wanted to beat it up till it was covered in cuts and bruises. He hated her. Wilbur scoffed at Tommy's comments. "No, no..Where is Quackity?" He asked looking around and noticing a clearing. "He's in his nation. Why?" Tommy answered. "His..nation?" Wilbur locked eyes with Tommy. "Yes! He's grown pretty strong compared to old big Q." He said with pride. Like he was proud Q had improved so much. "Is that so?" Wilbur said. His voice was a whisper as his gaze never left Tommy. Which made Tommy kind of awkward. "Yeah..It's called "Las Nevadas". It's very modern and a good sight for your eyes!" Tommy complimented the city as he put his 2 singer's up quoting 'Las Nevadas'. He smiled. "Want me to take you there or?" Tommy asked with curiosity in his eyes. "Yes," Wilbur replied instantly. He remembered who he was and what happened. He also remembered that what he "experienced" with quackity in his limbo wasn't real. Quackity might not be so nice. Quackity might not like him at all. He might hate him for all Wilbur knew. That hurt Wilbur, deep. He wasn't the one to love.

Tommy and Wilbur were walking on the sand. After a while, a sign came into their view. It read 'WELCOME TO LAS NEVADAS' Wilbur frowned, not even realizing they stopped walking. Tommy smiled. "We're here!" Wilbur was pulled out of his thoughts by Tommy's voice. He looked down at the nation. His feet standing on the pavement. It was beautiful. Very beautiful. The sun was setting down, the street lights turning on and the lights from the bar, casino, and strip club could be seen. Different colors and- hold on, strip club?! What the f-

"Wilbur. You're alive?" He heard a faded voice say. He saw quackity. A scar ran down his face like in his limbo. His dark long black hair peeked through his dark blue beanie. A white button-up with a red tie. Suspenders and black jeans. "I'm alive Quackity!" He laughed. "I'm alive! I'm back" He threw his hand in the air, smiling widely. "Did you miss me?" He dropped his hands back to his side as he stepped closer to quackity. Quackity scoffed as his eyebrows frowned. "No. Not really." Quackitys voice was full of hatred and venom. Ouch. Wilbur put a sad face on. "How inconvenient." He said stepping closer to quackity. Quackity grabbed the collar of his shirt and brought him to his level. "I saw what you did to Lmanburg and I'm not gonna have Las Nevadas have the same fate as Lmanburg." They were so close Wilbur could feel quackitys breath on him. He chuckled. This was going to be fun, wasn't it?

"Are you two kissing?!" Tommy spoke up his face a look of disgust. But the two were too lost in their thoughts. Well, Wilbur was lost in quackitys eyes, but that doesn't matter. Quackity let go of Wilbur, throwing him back a little as he crossed his arms. "You're banned from Las Nevadas Wilbur." He said, his voice almost threatening. "Don't worry, ducky. I'll make sure we have fun~" he smirked. Tommy sighted.

1699 words.

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