¤ Lᴏss ᴏғ ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ ¤

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They arrived at the hospital.
A nurse took care of Tommy as other nurses and doctors took quackity inside.
Wilbur sat in a chair, Tommy next to him.
"You're all set dear!" The nurse said as Tommy smiled at her. "Thank you ma'am!" He said with a sore throat, probably from the screaming. "Just drink some tea dear. Dont raise your voice too much, alright?" The nurse said as tommy nodded with a little gratefull smile. The nurse smiled and left.

Tommy looked at wilbur. "Wil.." he said as wilbur stopped fidgeting with his hands and looked at him. "Yeah..?"
"Why..Why..I don't know how to put it into a question without sounding weird." Tommy chuckled. Wilbur looked at him with confusion "what?" He said.

"Well I know quackity was your student for years but why are you here still. I mean the hospital said we could leave and that qs parents will be here in less then 10 minutes-"

Tommy looked at Wilbur seeing wilburs cheeks fill up with blush as he turned away. "I..He is my student and I wanna make sure everything's okay before I go. I was the one who wouldnt listen to him about Jared. So I might as well make sure he is okay it's the least I could do" it was true but it wasnt the least wilbur could do. Wilbur knew that. Wilbur knew he would keep apologizing to quackity and buy him multiple gifts for forgiveness, even cuddles. Literally anything Quackity asked from Wilbur he could get at this very moment, even before this.

"I guess but the doctors said they are helping him right now and that he will be okay. That we got here on ti-"

They heard screaming. Doctors and nurses yelling inside. But also a familiar voice..Quqckitys voice. Wilbur stood up fast, tommy following next. "Wilbur!" Wilbur and tommy heard as the everything went quiet again.

A doctor opened the door of quackitys room in a panic.

He was covered in blood, Quackitys blood. Wilbur felt paralyzed. He was frozen, completely

"Nurse get me more doctors this second! Hurry!" The nurse immediately went to get more doctors.

"Sir-" wilbur began as the doctor went in the room again and a nurse went to wilbur. Telling him to calm down and sit down. That everything will be okay. It was not okay tho..Quackity was hurt..There was blood everywhere.

Wilbur was set in a panic. If he doesn't see quackity smiling brightly while looking at wilbur telling him everything is gonna be okay. Then wilbur is going to have a panic attack and he knows it. "Wilbur..?" Tommy whispered to him as he put an arm around wilburs shoulders. Trying to comfort him. "What if he doesn't...y'know..make it?..what if I'm the reason he is here.? I'm the one who didn't listen-" tommy cut with off with a slight punch. "He'll be okay. Stop overthinking asshole" tommy said as he leaned back in his chair. His face was looking bored of sitting there and confident but deep inside he isnt sure if quackity would make it..He was terrified with how much blood there was. The scene was horrific. How many doctors and nurses came running into the room..it was..well terrifying.

Soon enough quackitys parents came by.

Wilbur stood up.

"Oh Mr. Soot!" Quackitys dad said as he came running to wilbur, panting.

"Mr. Sam, Mr. Ponk." wilbur said looking at the ground with scared and ashamed eyes.

"Where is my duckling!?" Sam put a hand on Ponks shoulder. "Calm down, love. I'm sure hes alright."

"I'm.." all their attention was on wilbur now. "Sorry. I'm so sorry..this is my fault I was suppose to hear him out now hes in here and-" Wilbur began. "Hey we understand you're still learning! You're still a young 20 year old." Ponk said with a reassuring smile, in his eyes was worry. "Don't blame yourself. You couldn't have known" said sam as he put his hand on wilburs shoulder. "Thank you Mr. Sam and Mr. Ponk." Wilbur said still looking at the floor. He looked over at a bandaged tommy who was fast asleep and sighted.

They all sat down in the waiting area.

Doctors soon left quackitys room.

Quackitys parents are talking to the doctor.

Wilbur overheard everything tho. He kept the sleeping blinds head on his shoulder.

"Is my baby okay!" Ponk said while gripping Sam's hand harder. "He is alright now, sir. Although..we almost lost him." They gasped. "He almost died from blood lost. He was very uncalm. He kept trying to get up and kicking everything. I just wanted to ask..is everything alright at home or in school?" The doctor asked as he looked at his clipboard. "Well..we dont foght at home, we talk. And he didnt say anything was wrong at school at all i-..." sam didnt know what to say. He was in a loss of words. "Alright. Hell be put in a couple of days or a week sirs. You may visit tomorrow at around 2-4pm. He should be awake by then." The doctor said as they said their goodbyes.

This was all wilbur fault..wasnt it? I mean that how he felt. Shitty. Very very shitty. Guilt is eating him up right now. More then anything. His he just sat down and took 10mimutes to listen to the short student.

Tommy woke up. "Wilbur.." he said as he sat up straight rubbing his eyes. "Hes  okay tom. We should go" wilbur said as he stood up. Tommy stood up as he yawned. "Mkay.." wilbur said goodbye to quackitys parents.



Quackitys POV.

Quackity woke up. His eye hurt like hell. It burned so much. He felt like alcohol and some other things are put on it. He hissed in pain trying to hold his head. Which hurt so much he wanted to take his veins out.

"What the hell is going on!" Quackity screamed as he was doctors all around him.

"Get off me!" He said as he tried kicking them all away. He wasnt a big fan of hospitals at all. "Sir please calm down!" One nurse said as she tried to hold him arms down. "We are trying to help you!" Another said as he held his legs down. Blood was getting everywhere. He felt empty. And he for sure looked almost as pale as a ghost. With every scream more blood was leaving him. With every movement.

"Let me out!" He screamed "Wilbur!" He continued as he felt something on his mouth. Everything was blurry.. "its gonna be alright kid." He heard a doctor say in a faint voice, at least to him, and everything went black.

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