☁︎ Awake? ☁︎

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Wilbur woke up from his sleep. The smell of eggs and sausages hit his nose as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. He remembered Tommy was in the house. He's probably the one cooking. He checked the time 10:50 am

Tommy gets up at 9 am. If he goes to bed on time, usually that's very rare.

He got dressed and went to the kitchen. He felt shitty. Not just the fact that his...student? Love? Was in the hospital, but also because his LITTLE brother is cooking food for him. He should be doing that. He thought about what Tommy said yesterday when he was at the hospital. It's true. Quackoty shouldn't wake up to him looking and smelling like shit. He would be all worried and scared about what happened when he was in a coma. And the fact that his ex kissed him was..overwhelming. Did that count as cheating? I mean..he didn't know. He didn't ask her to or anything. God, he didn't even want the kiss. He felt very guilty about it. What if it does count as cheating? Wilbur didn't want to cheat on quackity. Are they even a thing? This is too confusing for him.

"Oi!" He was snapped back into reality by Tommy who has been screaming at the older for quite some time now.

"Eat. And I want it all finished." Tommy said, well demanded. Damn, is he going to listen to a goddamn teen?

"Tommy I'm older you do-" he was cut off by Tommy. "I don't give 2 flying fucks" Tommy said as he slid the plate closer to wilbur.

"Whatever, gremlin child," Wilbur said as he started eating. Tommy rolled his eyes.


It took him a while to eat it. Mostly because his body wasn't used to breakfast or that much food. He sat on the couch holding his stomach. Was he fatter now? Probably. Quackity shouldn't wake up to his..boyfriend? Being fat. He didn't deserve a fat boyfriend. He didn't deserve someone who stuffed their face with food that they couldn't even prepare for themselves but their LITTLE brother did. What's wrong with him? Thinking quackity would be happy to see that he ate. That he got fatter, not muscular but fatter. He should go and puke it out. Who's gonna know? That's right. No one. But himself and...


But you can't tell anyone, can you?
You don't have the power to tell anyone.
How pathetic. Really.


He held his stomach as tears began to form. No, he can't cry. No, not now. He can't cry. That's pathetic. He's a grown-ass man. He shouldn't. What would quackity think? Probably that he's pathetic and a crybaby. He can't let quackity not love him anymore just because of some salty tears. He can't lose him again because of his fat crybaby ass.

He won't let it happen. Even if he was just skin and bones in the end.

"Wilbur?" Tommy said as he walked into the living room.

"Yeah?" Wilbur answered as he stood up.

"Uh, I gotta go. Make sure to take care of yourself, idiot." Tommy said as he walked over to Wilbur and hugged him. Wilbur returned the hug. "Of course.." Wilbur answered. He hated lying to his family. But here he was. I mean it was better for them. He wouldn't worry them, would he?

"Alright. Love ya!" Tommy said as he grabbed his coat and bag.

"Love you too," Wilbur said.

And Tommy was out the door. Great.


(Puking, ed, self-harm, thought of suicide, blood, bad thinking abt yourself?)

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