Chapter One

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"Please don't do this". The redhead girl was strapped down to the table while the woman she thought hovered over her while the boy she loved held her hand. "You have to stop testing her, Ava". Thomas got the gaze of the girl who was weak from the needle they gave her.

"Thomas please I can't take it anymore". She frowned at him while her tears ran and her face made him wipe them away with his thumb. 'It's just one more I promise, sweetheart'. Ava told her while she still kept eye contact with Thomas.

"Hey Lucy, everything will be alright". Her best friend Teresa told her placing a hand on the girl's head. "I love you, never forget that". Thomas squeezed her hand reassuring her that everything will be okay which made the girl stop crying. "Why did you give me this power? I don't want to be a weapon". She turned to look at the blonde woman wondering why she had the power to do things with her mind with red growling energy.

"Because out of everyone your father trusted you".

"I don't want it! I don't want to be your weapon". Lucy shook her head hating everything that was happening to her with all the tests that they were doing. "I'm sorry sweetheart". Some doctors started to roll her way while Ava, Teresa, and Thomas followed.

She continues to stare at Thomas taking in his feature. His brown hair, his whiskey eyes, the moles on his face, and his pink lips. "Tommy I love you" she smiled a sad smile while they stopped pushing the bed she was laying on in the room. Lucy put her hand on his face while he leaned in to kiss her.

It was a short kiss for goodbye but Teresa looked away. She had always been jealous of the relationship the two had and knew that if it came down to the two girls he would always choose Lucy over her. She hoped that Lucy would be the first out of the three to be sent to the maze, so she could spend more time with Thomas. She had to stop thinking about that, it was her best friend after all the person who she most trusted.

"I love you too". Thomas told her while Lucy closed her eyes letting what they injected her with, take over her body. The other two teenagers were led out of the room and into a different one.

"They have to stop doing this to her, she doesn't want it". Thomas was upset about his girlfriend being tested again. "I know, but she's strong and she will get through it". Teresa put a hand on Thomas's shoulder which he shook off and walked out to go to his room.

When the two walked off her father came in. The man called Janson no one knew his last name so the blonde woman let her take her last name as Paige. Out of all her friends, she was the only one who had ever seen her father before. He was a secretive man and didn't really care but for his daughter to always be in her life, so Ava did for him. The woman saw the young girl as her daughter and everyone thought that she was her mother when she wasn't. But Ava would tell the that she wasn't and her mother died a long time ago when Lucy was two years old.


'What did you do to me!'. She yelled at the blonde woman making Thomas and Teresa run in to see why she was yelling. Lucy was up close to a mirror checking out her neck. When she turned to face the two who saw what she was freaking out about. There was a small metal circle on the side of her neck. She could feel the coldness of it clawing into her skin that if you pressed a button it would just come off without any harm done.

'What the hell!'. Thomas walked up to her looking at what the girl's father had done. She was beyond furious with the man while she faced him. "Why? Would he allow them to do this to me?". She snapped at him. "I'm sending you into the maze". Were all she said which made her eyes widen and her mouth hanging open.

"You can't do this". Thomas spoke for her while stepping in front of the small girl while two guards walked in ready to take her away. "So what all of this just to send me into the maze where you send our friends into. You know what, I hate you. There are no words to describe how much I hate you. Send me in there to see what happens to me and everyone. You gave me the power, who knows what's going to happen".

"You won't even know you have it. That little thing in your neck is a dampener. Only allows you to use it when he says you can". Lucy turned back to the mirror to try and take it out while crying not wanting to go in there.

"You're sick I hope you know that". Thomas snapped at Ava while turning to the girl who slammed her body against his. She cried into his chest hating her life while the boy wrapped his arms around her while one hand was in her hair and the other on her waist.

The two guards walked up to the girl grabbing her upper arm and pulling her away from the boy. She turned around to face the man who was pulling her away and punched him in the face hard. Thomas went up to the other and did the same so they couldn't take the love of his life away from him. More guards came in surrounding the two.

"I'm sorry little one". Ava told her pressing a button on a device electrocuting her through the metal on her neck knocked the teenager out, not before hearing Thomas scream her name.

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