Chapter Seven

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Lucy sat against the wall inside of the Maze as she ate her bread roll having a small break before running again. It had been two and a half weeks since Lucy became a runner. She made friends with almost everyone there and learnt the rules.

Rule 1: Never go outside the Glade, unless you are a Runner.

Rule 2: Never hurt another Glader.

Rule 3: You have to trust each other.

Rule 4: Everyone does their part.

Rule 5: No Runner is allowed to go in the Maze twice a day.

Rule 6: Follow all rules.

They were pretty simple and they were easy to follow, for her at least. Though she did have a hard time trusting people.

She got up from her spot on the maze grounds and started running again trying to map the maze and find a way out. Today route seven was open and while she mapped that part of the maze or tried to find a new passage, Minho and Ben were looking to see if anything else had changed.

She turned left.







And then Left again.

That's when she came across the blades. Dozens of metal blades in rows that don't move, ever. She slowly made her way past the careful not to touch the edge as they are razor sharp.

She continued to run when she saw a bridge. Lucy had never seen the bridge before as it had a doorway on the other side of it.

Was this the way out? Did I just save us all? Was I supposed to find this place? Her thoughts were going crazy asking more and more questions.

There was a loud clang followed by another and then another. Lucy turned around in confusion running back over to where the blades were.

They were closing and fast.

In a panic, the redhead ran as fast as she could to get through them. It took her a minute to realise that the only ones that were closing were the last ones she need to pass to get out of section seven. She was so close.

But then they closed.

She continued to run the outline of the place but there was no possible way for the girl to get out.

No! No! No! This can't be happening! Not now!

The girl tried to pry the blades open only to slice her fingers but she didn't care she only wanted to get out of this place.

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