Rakuzan's New Girl (Akashi Seijuro)

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~~~~~~~A new girl has entered Rakuzan and taken the school by storm

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A new girl has entered Rakuzan and taken the school by storm. She made top scores in all of her academics, excelled in mathematics, was a great negotiator, and was made the new manager of the basketball team. The only person who bested her was none other than that team's captain, Akashi Seijuro. With that in mind, the male took interest in the young lady who has only been at the school for a short amount of time but has made her place known. She was soft-spoken but assertive in whatever it may be. Very kind, but certainly not a pushover. Everyone in her class has much respect for the young lady. Plus she was a beauty to behold. Beautiful brown skin was always adorned with gold or silver with dark long curly hair that either made her pretty face shine or framed it so lovely. She was truly the definition of beautiful and had stolen Akashi's heart. He has never been in love with anyone, yet there he was trying to work up the confidence to approach her. The Akashi Seijuro, concerned about talking to a girl? As hard as it was to believe, he was. She was an amazing person of beauty and intelligence that as nice as she was, did not tolerate ignorance of any kind. However, he did not want to lose to his teammates who had already made their presence known to her.

The young lady was going over her notes when she was approached by the captain.
"Excuse me, Miss Douglas." Akashi started to get her attention.
"Oh. Captain Akashi. What a surprise. Also, you can just address me as Candace.".
"Well then. You may just address me by Akashi.".
"Okay. To what do I owe the pleasure of speaking to you.".
"Well," he paused to sit next to her before continuing, "I just wanted to request that we hung out together. I truly find you to be an interesting woman so, if you are okay with it, I would like to learn more about you.". The request surprised the girl, but she found it endearing all the same.
"I'm sure we can work out an arrangement for that." Candace giggled. Akashi reflected with a soft smile of his own.

Soon enough, Akashi and Candace hung out together anytime they were not busy. Akashi would have his driver drive them halfway to school and walked the rest together, have lunch with the team plus her closest friend, study together at a nearby cafe, he even gives her a ride home. As they get closer, Akashi started buying little trinkets for Candace which were anything from earrings to bracelets to candy. It was no denying that Akashi was falling harder for her. The gifts, the lingering touches, the softness in how he spoke to her, the time he spent with her, the longing to always be around her; these were all testaments of his love for her. It was so obvious that the basketball team all knew and planned to get them together. Anytime Candace came around they would address her as Manager Akashi or Mrs. Akashi. They would make settled underhanded jokes that would fluster Akashi but leave the latter confused. However, the same can be said about Candace. Ever since the pair started spending more time together, Candace slowly but surely started to fall for the pink-haired boy. He was gentle and kind and insightful. He showered her with affection and gifts and made her feel special.

One day, Hayama was throwing a get-together party with all of the third years plus members of the basketball team. So naturally, Candace was invited as team manager and was allowed to invite her friends to come with her. The party was pretty chill considering how many people were there, but since it was at a beach house there were more places to go for some peace if need be. Some of the guys wanted to play truth or dare and Candace plus some of her friends were down to play. To her surprise, Akashi joined in the fun as well which made her feel better since he was slowly letting loose. The game of shenanigans went on for some time until it got back to Candace.
"Alright Candy, Truth or Dare?" Mibuchi asked.
"I think I'll take my chances with a dare.". A slight smirk appeared on the male's face paired with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"I dare you to stay in a closet for seven minutes with our dear captain." he dared, shocking both parties. Akashi gathered his thoughts and stood up, helping Candace to her feet and leading her to the nearest closet. Upon entering, the door was locked and the music got slightly louder. To say Candace was nervous would be an understatement and Akashi must have sensed it, because he pulled her closer to him; hugging her waist with his head on top of hers. After a moment, he quietly asked if she felt better and she replied with a nod and a content hum. Akashi pulled away slightly to look at her, before asking the question he has been wanting to ask her for a long time.
"Candace. May I kiss you?". It shocked her, but nonetheless, she said yes and his lips met hers. Her lips were intoxicatingly soft, it put him in a trance and made him crave more. Akashi cupped Candace's cheeks, pulling her closer to deepen the kiss. The kiss got desperate to the point that Akashi had the smaller girl against the wall, pressed into her, and lost in her kiss. Candace was moaning into the kiss as she held onto him for dear life. Akashi pulled away to breathe but also relish in the flushed panting expression of the beauty in his grasp. He was about to swoop back in when the door opened to reveal the second years with knowing smirks.
"So kids, did y'all have fun?" Nebuya started.
"It sure looks that way," Mibuchi added, teasingly.
"Captain, you naughty naughty boy. Never thought you had the guts," Hayama teased as well. Akashi ignored his nosy upperclassmen while he gently took Candace's hand to lead her out of the closet and somewhere more quiet. He had her sit down as he kneeled in front of her.
"I'm sorry, Candace. I lost my cool and ravished you. Please forgive my shameful behavior." Akashi apologized.
"No, you're fine. I consented to it. I really didn't mind. I've never been kissed before so I was curious." Candace reasoned. Akashi smiled softly, standing up to sit next to Candace with her hands in his.
"Candace, I want you to know that I really like you as more than a friend and would like to possibly start a romantic relationship with you.". Candace was ecstatic and nodded wildly.

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