Chapter 2

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Jonesy paused before her, tugging his buttoned down shirt back into place.

"My dear, mate, you would be honored to be my escort to my Birthday Ball."  He told her simply.

Ever looked at him with one eyebrow raised.

"No-" she said simply but got a wide eyed look from her sister. "Thank you." she amended quickly.

"No? No?"  Jonesy's eyes flared wide for a moment, then he tried to calm what seemed to be his quick temper.  "It is okay, my mate.  I know what an honor it would be for you to be seen with me. You must be embarrassed by your wardrobe." 

He seems to like what he was saying, and smiled like he was impressed with himself for thinking of that. He nods his head, his scrawny neck moving.  Ever giggled to herself thinking that he looks like the little bird knickknack that sits on his father's desk, pecking into a cup of water.

"But not to worry my dear, I will have my wardrobe manager work with you to create the perfect outfit.  And no worries, I bet they can come up with something to make you more slender."  Everleigh straight into his pale yellow eyes. 

He smiled to himself once more, nodded.

"Yes, that will do.  It would be your honor to mate with the most pure blood line here and create heirs for me.  You are the quiet one, this will do nicely." Ever watched his cold yellow gaze leer down at her body.  "Once you lose like fifty pounds."

With that, Jonesy turned on his heel and left.  He stopped to chat with the man and woman that came in with him.  The small woman had the same pale yellow eyes as him.  She nodded at his words and approached.

"Hi...hi there,"  She said quietly. 

Everleigh just watched in confusion as the man took some notes on a clipboard and chatted with Jonesy.

"Hello, my name is Janine.  I am to be your assistant and future sister in law."  Janine says softly. 

Everleigh looked down at her again.  She was like a miniaturized feminine doll of Jonesy.

"Hello, Janine." Ever said reaching a hand out.  "I'm Everleigh, I did not know Jerald had a daughter." 

Janine looked shy once more.

"That's because my mother is not his mate."  She said gently.  "I'm a bastard egg."  she explained.

Wait, a moment.  Nest Father Jerald Peck had an affair with another woman? 

"I know it is not any of my business, but what do you mean?" Everleigh asked gently.

She had not realized this, but Janine had led her away from the park she had been at with her sister, and up towards the main house, where the pure bloods lived.  Which was not unusual for Everleigh, heck her family lived on the left side of the house near a few other pure families.

What was unusual was that she led her up the main path, past the small pond with a Harpy statue posing in the middle, and into the front main room.  Only the Pecks were allowed in the central wing, unless there was a party.

All of the Pecks lived up stairs in the center.  The bottom of the hall where they now stood was usually the ballroom for special occasions, to the left in the back corner was Nest Leader Jerald's office from which he ran the day to day aspects of he nest. Next to it was the War room with a giant rectangular table.

She led us up the back staircase that led to the family quarters of the Pecks.

"Well, since you may be family soon, i'll let you know." She whispered as she entered what looked to be a broom closet directly to the right of the stair case.

When they entered, she realized her guess was not far off.  I was the smallest room she had ever seen.  Maybe twice the size of a broom closet.  There was a small child sized bed against the wall opposite to the door.  A small worn dresser directly beside it.  Shoes appeared t be tucked under the bed to create more space.

"Sorry, this is my room.  I had to ask a few questions to figure out what you want to wear to the ball."  She explained, pushing the lamp on the dresser to the side and hoping up on top.  Everleigh noticed that she too had a clipboard.

"Oh, i'm sorry I haven't had visitors before. Please take a seat on my bed."  she instructed while she wrote on the clipboard.

Glancing at the small bed, Ever made her way to the foot of the bed and sat gingerly down.  The bed squeaked under her massive weight, but Janine did not even look up.

"So.. the family story." She muttered to herself. She must have finished what she was writing, because she sat aside the board.

"If you have not realized, the Pecks are Obsessed with pure blood lines. "  Janine said, her eyes alight with gossip. 

Ever realized she had never seen this girl before, she must not have anyone to talk to. 

"Well, that's because that is the only thing keeping them in power.  They are not special by any means.  They are not stronger or smarter then any other Harpy.  So James Von Peck, the original Peck leader had decided to make a rule.  That only the Harpiewith the purest blood line may rule."  Janine explained.

She paused. "How much do you know about Harpy history?"  she queried.

Ever shook her head, she had not been able to come across many history books before the Pecks took over.  Was this why?

"Well, they used to fight.  and the strongest warrior became the Nest leader.  They used to believe that the strongest would make the best protector.  The Mother Hen, creator and caregiver to all Harpies, would bless one warrior to take care of her flock. Until the Pecks came along. James Von Peck barely survive his battle with the other male Harpies.  To the point, that when the first dragon war started, many of the stronger males had died, he was the last pure blood male harpy.  When the war had ended, many Harpy's had found their true mates amongst other shifter-kind.

Knowing full well, that a Harpy could not battle against a bear or dragon, he created the pure blood rule.  And in doing so, kept his family line in power."

Everleigh froze.

She and her sister were the only purebred harpies near Jonesy's age.

"And that is why he wants to make you his mate." 

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