Chapter 7

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It was time for dinner.  All the purebred headed towards the center, but in the back of the building was where the kitchen and banquet was.  That's where they would all eat and chat. 
Where you would watch other purebred vy for attention of a male they thought had high enough standings to be thier mate.

All of the adults sat up on a lifted area that went along three sides on the room, sparing the entrance.  They sat in thier mated pairs, and once a child was above 10 they had to sit in the mosh pit of purebloods fighting for attention and affection.

Though no one would know thier truemate until they were 18, they all still tried to pick a better chosen mate for themselves beforehand.  Ignoring what the Mother Hen had chosen, just to keep the bloodline pure

Ever hated watching them all.  Dressed up nicely for every dinner.  Hair perfectly done, nails always professionally done, make up perfect, all to impress a male that did not care about them.  To turn thier back on the one meant for them.

It made her sick.

And a little jealous, because she was way too big. No one typically cared to even look at her.  She sat near the front in a corner below where her parents usually sat.  Her back to them so they could never see her plate, or lack there of on her plate.  Though lately her father, was mostly on perimeter duty during dinner.  She had wondered if it was so he didn't get mad at the men flirting with Eve.   Or for the others being mean to her.

She rested her elbow on the table and waited for the food to be placed in the middle.  From there, they passed it down and took what they wanted.  Meanwhile she just passed it away.  Usually she just took a fruit and maybe a small piece of meat that must have fallen off of someone else's slice.   Just a tiny portion, on the days she was hungrier then normal.

Today, she just grabbed a tiny red apple again.  Then continued the passing of the food.  Vegetables, roast, mashed potatos, fruit basket, rolls and butter got passed around. 

But the tiny red apple stared up at her and taunted her from her plate

"Do yourself a favor and starve.."  those mean words mocked her again, replaying in her head.  As the small fruit taunted her, while her stomach growled.

A plate slammed down across from her.
Her gaze lifted quickly to find those odd pale yellow eyes on her again.

"Is that all you eat?"  He questioned while stabbing his fork into the biggest portion of dinner she had ever seen on a plate.  "Well, that's no good mate.  Fruits are all sugar.  That's why your fat.  Lucky you got me now."

And with that he snatched the apple of her plate and left.

Her stomach rebelled, but she just sipped her water and tried to ignore the burning in her cheeks.  While the tinkering of their laughter echoed around her.

Ever tried to keep her eyes downcasted on her empty plate, any time she let her gaze wander up.  Another girl was glaring at her. 

She never understood why people got so mad at her for being the fat one.  It was her body, one that she regretted, and repulsed her.  But not theirs, so why were they always angry.

Finally, the scraping of the chairs on the landing was heard, as all the adults left.  First, the Adults and young children leave.  It is supposed to allow the young one to chatter amongst themselves as they clean up the tables, and place all the dishes in the kitchen for the lower blood lines to wash.  Though, usually, the males flee immediately, to allow the women to pick it all up.  Then they all flirt once the ladies made it outside the dining hall.  Once outside, the guys were usually doing some kind of flaunting to catch the eyes of the females.

A few times they have come out to them dancing.  Sometimes they are playing sports trying to show off their athleticism.  For some reason, they felt like if they were good or strong at on thing in particular it would make them a good mate.  Too bad they did not understand, they needed to be a decent person first.

Everleigh glanced up after putting the first load of dishes on the counter.  Scraping the food off of them into a bin, and piling them by type of dish near the sink.  looking around she realized it was quieter then normal.  She sighed, maybe she was left to clean everything up by herself again.  Usually in a bout an hour, the lower blooded females will show up to do the dishes.  Luckily, they were very nice and would help her continue to take the dishes into the kitchen. 

The hairs on the back of her neck stood up, and she glanced up.  The room looked empty, but her stomach still dropped and her stomach tightened.  Something was not right.

Her instincts kicked I and she ducked.

Just in time to avoid that talon aiming for her face.

'Well, at least I have good instincts.' she thought to herself

She looked further up then.

Everleigh was surrounded.  They were in the rafters, and they were not happy.

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