Chapter 4

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Her mind whirled with ideas. How was she going to find her truemate? There was no for sure way before she turned 18 in six months time.

Is that why he was rushing it now?

She shook that thought loose. He would not know when her birthday was. He did not even know her from her sister.

How was she going to turn him down, and keep him away from her unmated sister?

Her mind whirled as Janine sat on the dresser kicking her feet back and forth.

"So shall we talk about the ball?" Janine asked, slightly clueless to the tornado of worries that has started to read havoc on Ever's mind.

Ever nodded distractledly.

"So, a ball only happens when a Peck comes of age. Though they only mate other purebred Harpies, they do invite royals of other species to the ball. Kind of like to show off, I suppose." Janine paused. "Anyway, it's the only time other species will be aloud up here on the mountain peak."

The Harpies lived so far up a mountain, no one bothered to climb the steep sides to visit. For those who could not fly, it was a hard task to get to the top. Let alone they would have to pass the caves of the bear shifters at the base of the mountain.

Bears were said to be good at climbing trees, but thier bulkiness made it hard for them to climb the sheer rock face of the mountains they lived on.

"How are they going to get people up here?" Everleigh questioned.

Janine hopped down from the dresser and started to dig around for something.

She came towards her with a sketch. It was like an old timey looking picture of a covered wagon. Except there were no wheels. Where the wheel used to be were just long wooden pieces stick straight out.

"See, Jones decide he wanted them to be flown up in old styled wagons. Five harpies have to grab each peg, the ones for the four tires and the one that was originally where the horses were tied to pull them. The passengers load in the back, and get flown up. Covered the whole time, so they cannot see which mountain they are approaching."

"He is convinced it is for security, for the enemies not to know which one of the mountains houses the pure breds." She continued.

There were a bunch of mountain tops that they lived on. But the pureblood stayed on the biggest most centralized peak. They even had to flatten off the top of the mountain, a long time ago to make enough space for house and courtyard.

"All harpies have to take a turn lifting 3 carts down and back to the peak. Excluding Jonesy and the Nest father." She continued. "There will be a uniform he wants everyone to wear while they take thier turns. You know how obsessed he is with his own feathers." She explained with an eyeroll.

All the harpies had brown colored wings. It was said to help them blend better into the trees they sit on and watch thier prey from.

Some of the pure breeds had other colored feathers. The Pecks have the pale yellow, almost white wings. If Ever was honest with herself. Her hair was a pale white color too, with just a tinge of platinum in the sunlight, like her feather let off a metallic glint. Her sisters white hair looked like the finest palest rose gold.

While the Pecks were so blonde it was almost white. But had the yellow tint to it, so you knew it wasn't purely white, their wings though, did not look metallic in the sunlight.

The further from pure you got, the darker brown they got. Only the pure bred had white or blonde. Ever thought about it.

"So the colors of the uniform, and for the ball will be gold. Light color gold shirts, and darker gold colors pants. Everyone will just have to switch uniforms when they fly, because he wanted to cut the budget there to make a bigger fancier birthday cake for himself." Janine rolled her eyes and continued

"The whole ballroom will be a mixture of dark golden, and pale golden streamers and balloons. Only the purebloods can wear gold colored outfits to the ball. He wants everyone else in attendance to wear dark colors."

She looked up from her notes.

"OH no, we should be at the tailor now!." Janine exclaimed, standing up quickly and gesturing out of the room. We walked further down the hall until we reached the door that had a welcome sign.

She pushed the door open without knocking.

"You're late!" A woman from inside yelled.

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