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Luke and Zander were on a bench in the park, looking around the dreery scenery around them. It was cloudy and windy, due to summer turning to fall. A few leaves blew in the wind, by the two boys. One fell on Zander's head, and he quickly shook it off

"Sure is cold..." Luke said, and Zander nodded. He held Luke's hand while looking around. "At least we're together though" Zander smiled before hugging Luke's arm. Luke smiled back and looked around the park

The silence was broken after Zander sneezed. Luke looked at him. "Are you okay..?"

Zander nodded, but was interrupted butt a second sneeze. Luke turned to him, lifting his face slightly. Zander's nose was slightly running and his face was pale

"Honey, are you sick..?" Luke asked, to which Zander shook his head. "We should get you home..." Luke said "you shouldn't be out and about when you're sick, especially not in this kind of cold weather"

Zander nodded and got up, but not before breaking out into a coughing fit. They both got up and began to head to Zander's house, and Luke noticed his boyfriend's slow pace. He put his arm around him, and tried to keep a close eye on him to make sure he didn't fall


When the boys got back to Zander's house, Luke immediately took Zander up to his room. Zander layed down in his bed and Luke covered him with a blanket. "Do you need me to get you anything...?" Luke asked. Zander shrugged. "I'm cold..."

Luke frowned, then went to Zander's closet and began searching for clothes. He pulled out some warmer clothes and placed them at the end of the bed. "I'll step out of the room for a moment so you can change.." he said as Zander slowly sat up


Soon after Zander changed, Luke walked back in and sat on the bed near Zander. "Are you sure you don't want anything..?" Luke asked as he put his hand on Zander's shoulder.

Zander thought for a minute, then said "food...?"

Luke nodded. "I'll get you some soup .how's that sound..?"

Zander shrugged. "I guess ok-"

He stopped short as he began to cough, then wiped his nose with his sleeve once he stopped. "How about I get you a box of tissues instead of using your shirt..?" Luke asked, to which Zander nodded. Luke kissed Zander's cheek, then left to get the stuff he needed to grab


Luke was at Zander's desk doing some schoolwork while Zander rested in bed. Zander practically forced him to be a good distance away so he wouldn't get sick too


Luke lifted his head and looked over at the bed where his boyfriend was laying. "Yes, Zander?"

"I'm bored..."

Luke turned in his chair to face Zander. "Do you wanna cuddle?"

Zander shrugged. "My head hurts a lot..." he said. Luke went over and hugged him. "You'll feel better before you know it.." he said. "I just don't want you to be sick.." Zander said upset

"Baby, I don't care if I get sick.." Luke said "I just wanna make sure you're feeling better.."

Zander smiled a bit, and Luke sat down beside him. Zander pulled Luke down so he could lay down next to him, and hugged him. "Love you.." Zander said. "I love you too.." Luke smiled at Zander

Lander oneshots (Luke x Zander) (The music freaks)Where stories live. Discover now