💙Winter cuddles💙

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No one's POV

"Uggghh it's so cold out here!!" Zander whined as him, Luke, and Hailey were walking home. It was the start of November, and everything was covered in snow

"I just wanna get home, and wrap myself in a blanket..." Zander sighed as he stuffed his glove covered hands into his coat pockets. "You'd look like a burrito!" Hailey giggled. Luke smiled, and Zander just stuck his tongue out at Hailey

As the three got closer to Hailey and Zander's house, they passed a house with a few kids outside having a snowball fight. The three thought nothing of it, until something cold hit Zander's leg. It was a snowball

Zander, Luke, and Hailey all froze in place, and looked to where the the snowball had been thrown from

"Sorry, mister..!" a small boy called from a front yard of a house

"N-No worries...!" Luke called back to the kids, before continuing on his way with his boyfriend and Hailey

"There's snow. in my boot." Zander said with a deadpan expression on his face

"We're almost at the house-" Luke started to say

"It's cold. And it's wet. And gross. And I don't like it." Zander said

"Suck it up, snowflake." Hailey sighed, then smiled and added on "no pun intended"

Luke smirked a bit at Hailey's joke. Zander didn't really have a reaction. He was just focused on the ice cold snow stuck in his boot, pressing against him


The three teens got home, and left each of their boots and coats near each others

"You guys want hot chocolate?" Hailey asked

"YES." Zander said instantly "PLEASE."

"I'd like a cup too, please!" Luke smiled sweetly

Hailey nodded, then headed to the kitchen

Zander still had his sweater on that he'd been wearing all day. He pulled the hood over his head, and stuffed his hands into his pockets before going to the living room, and sitting on the couch

"You okay, baby..?" Luke asked as he walked over and sat down beside him

"No..." Zander sighed "I still feel cold..."

"You want a hug..?"

Zander nodded, then scooted closer to Luke

Luke put his arms around Zander's waste, and Zander rested his head on Luke's shoulder

"You okay..?"



Hailey dropped some marshmallows into the hot chocolate cups, then took Luke and Zander's cups to take them out to them

"Alright! I got your hot choco-"

Hailey got out to the kitchen, only to see Zander was sitting on Luke's lap. His arms were around Luke, his head was on his shoulder, and he was asleep. Luke was still awake however. He had one arm around Zander, and was looking at social media stuff on his phons with his free hand

"He been asleep for long?"

Luke jumped a little after hearing the whisper in front of him, only to see Hailey putting the hot chocolate cups on the coffee table

"Oh, uh...about almost ten minutes now..." Luke said, gently patting Zander's head. Zander just stirred around a bit in his boyfriend's lap, not waking up

"His drink's gonna get cold probably.." Hailey said

Luke nodded, smiling a bit. "Hey, wanna watch a movie?" he asked

"Ooh, yeah, sure!" Hailey smiled "One sec!"

She quickly headed back to the kitchen, got her own hot chocolate drink, then sped walked back in, placing it on the coffee table when she was in the living room

"What movie?" Hailey asked as she sat beside Luke

"Jumanji?" Luke asked "Like...the newer one? With Jack Black in it?"

"Ooh, okay!" Hailey smiled


A few minutes into the movie, Zander started to wake up. He sat up and looked around, his arms still around Luke

"Hi.." Luke smiled. Zander looked at him in the eyes

"Hey.." Zander said. He saw a full cup of hot chocolate sitting on the coffee table, beside two partially full ones

"...s'that mine...?" he asked. Luke nodded

"I made it a while ago, but we didn't wanna wake ya.." Hailey smiled a bit

"You just looked so peaceful..." Luke smiled

Zander slowly got up, and took his cup with him to the kitchen

"Whatcha doing?" Hailey called

"I'm gonna heat it up in the microwave!!" Zander called back

"Want us to pause the movie?" Luke called

"Nah, it's fine.." Zander responded "Thanks again, Hails..!"

"No problem!" Hailey smiled


Zander walked back into the living room soon after, and placed his cup of hot chocolate on the coffee table. He then plopped down next to Luke, and watched the movie more with Hailey

Well, I dunno about you two," Hailey said "But I certainly feel warmer"

"I do too!" Luke smiled

"Yeah, I guess I do too.." Zander said

"From what?" Hailey asked "The drink? Luke? Or both?"


"Hey man, honest question! And let's be honest, I think we all know the answer."


Lander oneshots (Luke x Zander) (The music freaks)Where stories live. Discover now