😆Laughing gas😆

720 18 17

Authors Note: The teens are aged up in this to be 18 years old

TW⚠️: Slight mentions of blood



No one's POV

Zander, Luke, Hailey, and Zander's mom Shannon were waiting in the waiting room of a dentist office. Zander had to get his wisdom teeth removed, and Luke was pretty much there for moral support. As they were waiting, Zander was anxiously squeezing Luke's hand

"Sweetheart, I promise, everything will be fine..." Luke said. He could see Zander was visibly scared

"What if something goes wrong...?" he asked. "Nothing will go wrong.." Luke said "The dentists know what they're doing..."

"Am I gonna need a shot...??" Zander asked "I hate shots...!!"

"No, you won't." Shannon suddenly said "I made sure to ask them to give you laughing gas"

"Wh-What's that?" Zander asked

"Just stuff ya breathe in." Hailey said "It won't hurt, I've had it done before for a cavity filling. It kinda makes you all giggly though"

Zander looked down. He could take that, right?

"And by the way, I would recommend you pick the banana scent." Hailey added on "And whatever you do, DO NOT pick cinnamon or bubblegum."

"Wh-Why..?" Zander asked. At this point he was clinging onto Luke's whole arm

"Bubblegum scented stuff always smells super gross." Hailey said "And cinnamon? You think it tastes bad...I wouldn't recommend breathing it in for a long period of time."

Zander nodded slowly, then a doctor walked out


Zander looked at Luke scared

"Can I have a kiss before I go in...?" he asked. Luke nodded with a smile, then kissed Zander's cheek

"You'll be okay...you won't feel a thing..." he said "Me and Hailey will be waiting out here for ya.."

Zander nodded, then got up and left with his mom


About 35 minutes later, Shannon walked out. Zander was walking beside her, and she had his hand on his back. Zander was slightly wobbling a bit as he walked

As Shannon paid at the desk, Luke went over and took Zander's hand, then led him to his chair from before

"How you feeling?" Hailey asked, looking up from the magazine she was reading

"Hurt..." Zander said. He layed his head on Luke's shoulder, starting to close his eyes a bit

Shannon looked over while waiting for someone to come back to the counter

"He might still be a bit loopy from the laughing gas" she said

Luke and Hailey nodded, then looked back at the partially out of it Zander

"Did it hurt at all..?" Luke asked

Zander was silent for a few seconds, then shook his head no lightly

Shannon walked over, putting her wallet back in her purse

"Let's go, kids. I gotta stop at a gas station on the way home." she said

Hailey and Luke nodded, them Hailey got up. Luke put his arm around Zander, and helped him stand. They all went out to the car, Luke helping Zander along the way. Out at the car, Shannon opened the back door for the boys to get in the back

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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